Chapter 390

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Chapter 390 The Chief Female Forensic Doctor (20)

    Lin Jian laughed when she heard this.

    Lu Fan in the last world was really miserable. He clearly had thoughts and consciousness and wanted to live, but he couldn't wake up, not to mention the pain.

    She couldn't help but tease:     "

    The way of heaven is really interesting. Every time it is suppressed, it makes you either sick or disabled. It's weird."

It's a matter." Lu Fan shrugged, "We will be able to go back when I accompany you on the road of rebuilding the avenue."

    Lin Jian nodded when she heard the words, and didn't ask any more questions.

    Seeing this, Lu Fan changed the subject:

    "The little Jiang you rescued outside today, according to what Captain He and the others mean, it seems that there is something wrong?"

    "He is the assistant of my task target." Lin Jian said, "Tomorrow I have to go to the hospital earlier and show him a play."

    Lu Fan raised his eyebrows after hearing this, and stopped asking.

    Regarding Lin Jian's tasks, he never intervenes, because he believes that Lin Jian acts in his own way.

    Soon we arrived at Huamao Community.

    This fellow Lu Fan really deserved to be deliberate, the house he rented was right across from Lin Jian, and he didn't know how he did it in such a short period of time.

    "I'm right at the door. If you need any help, call me at any time." Lu Fan said.

    "You too, if there is any inconvenience with one hand, I am also very happy to help." Lin Jian teased.

    Although they met again after a long absence, neither of them were emotional people.

    After a simple reminiscence, they went home to rest.

    The next morning, Lin Jian got up early, packed up, and was ready to go to the hospital.

    When she went out, Lu Fan was already waiting at the door.

    "It's such a coincidence." Lin Jian greeted.

    "Unfortunately, I'm waiting for you. I know your usual routine. You said yesterday that you would go to the hospital this morning, so it must be this time to go out." Lu Fan said.

    "Are you going to come with me?"

    "Well, I promised Captain He yesterday that when you leave the police station, I have to protect you every step of the way." Lu Fanming knew that martial arts training was just an excuse for Lin Jian, but he still spoke in a high-sounding manner.

    Lin Jian: ...

    just follow love, it won't interfere with her anyway.

    Lin Jian drove Lu Fan to the hospital where Xiaojiang was staying. She didn't need to go upstairs, but directly through Tongzi's monitoring, she knew that Xiaojiang had not woken up yet.

    She took a look at the middle-aged aunts who came to visit the hospital, and at a glance, she knew that they were the kind of people who love to gossip and break their mouths.

    Such people gossip, is the least suspicious.

    She used a phantom charm to change her appearance, went to contact those middle-aged aunts, and then paid them to play a play.

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