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Chapter 271 Genius Demon Catcher (17)

    After a while, the light spread into an upside-down bowl, covering the entire Demon Slaying Gate.

    In the end, it turned into a great formation to protect the mountain.

    Everyone was stunned by Lin Jian's hand.

    Especially the Sect Leader He of the Demon Slaying Sect, and the Sect Leader Qin of the Demon Demon Sect. The two looked at Lin Jian with expressions of surprise and joy on their faces, and their expressions were very complicated.

    Lin Jian glanced at Zhao Yueli with a half-smile but not a smile, then turned to look at Head He:

    "Do you still think I'm a monster?"

    Heads He and Head Qin flashed shameful expressions on their faces, and bowed their hands to Lin Jian. He bowed and replied very respectfully:

    "It was me who listened and believed, misunderstood the girl's identity, and asked the girl to add more Haihan for the sake of being a teacher."

    This sudden scene directly made Zhao Yueli stunned in place. , she asked inexplicably:

    "Master, Uncle Qin, what are you doing? She is really a monster. I have seen her transformed into a prototype with my own eyes! How can you be so polite to her?

    " Hugh is talking nonsense." The head of He was completely rude to Zhao Yueli, "Miss Jianling can't be a monster!"

    "Why not?" Zhao Yueli couldn't believe it.

    On the way to Slaughter Demon Gate, she has been patient with Jian Ling, isn't it just that she can kill Jian Ling after she arrives at the Slaughter Demon Gate's territory?

    But now, when she revealed Jian Ling's identity, the master not only did not believe it, but also reprimanded her?

    Lin Jian looked at Zhao Yueli, smiled slightly, and asked,

    "Do you think that your master and uncle treat me strangely? It's not like treating guests or juniors, but rather seniors?"

    "What kind of magic did you cast on my master?" Zhao Yueli asked.

    Lin Jian rationalized his thoughts and replied,

    "Since you want to know so much, I'll explain it to you."

    "Slaughtering Demon Gate, Demon Demon Sect, Demon Slaying Pavilion, Demon Suppressing Terrace...the ancestors of these sects all came from the same master, the world-renowned master of monster hunting, Shen Weifeng."

    "Several of Shen Weifeng's apprentices, follow He learned different ways of catching monsters, and after he left the apprenticeship, several brothers and sisters established different schools."

    "Before Shen Weifeng passed away, he left some cards for his disciples, and these cards are for his disciples and grandchildren, in the In a chaotic world where monsters appear, one can have a place to live and not be wiped out by the monsters."

    "The trump card of the Slaughtering Demon Gate is on this 'world first' plaque."

    "It's engraved on it . A formation that needs to be activated with a talisman created by Shen Weifeng, can be turned into a great formation to protect the mountain and protect the entire Demon Slaying Sect

    . Everyone in the hall listened carefully.

    Including Li Chuansheng, Dong Xiankun and Han Ping, including Zhao Yueli.

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