Chapter 371

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Chapter 371 The Chief Female Forensic Doctor (01)

    The southern suburb of Pingcheng, Huaishan Cemetery.

    In the middle of the night, the dark clouds closed the moon, the night was thick, and the rain was pattering.

    The lights in the cemetery were half-bright and half-dark due to the aging of the circuit, and they flickered incessantly.

    Accompanied by bursts of thunder, the atmosphere of the entire cemetery was eerie and terrifying.

    A woman in high heels ran wildly on the bluestone-paved path.

    Behind him, a tall man in a black hooded raincoat and a black mask was chasing after him.

    About thirty seconds later, the woman fell to the ground, and the people behind her caught up, stabbed her in the heart with a three-inch fruit knife, and then pulled it out.

    "Nosy people should be damned!" The

    man's voice was low and hoarse, like a dilapidated old waterwheel from the old days, very harsh.

    A burst of dizziness came, and the woman's eyes went black and she fell down.

    The perpetrator turned and left without hesitation, but did not notice that a cartoon keychain fell out of him and landed in the grass next to him.

    Lin Jian came here at this time.

    Excessive blood loss from the aorta of the heart made her a little out of strength, and she couldn't get up because of the pain.

    [Host father, are you okay? 】

    "Haha." Lin Jian used the simplest two words to give Tongzi the greatest ridicule.

    Fortunately, she was here, otherwise the original owner's body would be completely cold!

    Lin Jian took a breath, took out the elixir from the space, threw one in her mouth, and then lay on the spot and silently healed her wounds.

    By the way, he cast a spell on himself to avoid the rain from the sky.

    While healing, she said to Tongzi:     [The plot is being transmitted, please wait...]

    "Hurry up and pass the story to me! If someone dares to blatantly kill someone, then I must let him know what is behind bars!"

    Soon, Lin Jian's mind was filled with a lot of pictures, about this city, about the original owner, and about the truth about her killing this time-

    here is the blue sky of a parallel time and space. Xing, a second-tier city called Pingcheng.

    On the surface, Pingcheng is bright and beautiful, with a lot of traffic, people live and work in peace and contentment, life is worry-free, a harmonious and peaceful peace scene.

    But in fact, due to the fact that Pingcheng is located on the national border, coupled with the fact that gang wars were flourishing here decades ago, the geographical location and historical factors have led to a high crime rate here.

    For three consecutive years, Pingcheng has the highest crime rate in the country.

    For this reason, the relevant departments specially dispatched a group of the most high-end elite talents in the country to form a special inspection team in Pingcheng.

    The duty of the inspection team is to assist the Pingcheng Police Station in cracking various cases and strengthening public security management.

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