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Chapter 221 The Female Leader of the Doomsday (13)

    What should she say?

    Could it be said that the original owner was hit during that time, his mind was completely awake, and he subconsciously obeyed Ding Ling's flickering and ran away?

    Ding Ling is still here!

    She didn't want Ding Ling to know for the time being, she had already noticed Ding Ling's true face.

    What's more, Lin Jian didn't plan to tell the original owner's family what happened to the original owner.

    After all, it is not easy to live in the end of the world. She doesn't want them to regret and blame themselves for the unchangeable past.

    If the whole family knew that the original owner had suffered those terrible things before, not to mention whether Ding Ling would be smashed to ashes and cut into pieces, they themselves would not forgive themselves.

    They may even think -

    why should the original owner be allowed to go to school so far away from S City alone?

    Why are you so busy that you don't have time to call and care about her?

    Why was there no one in the family to accompany and support the original owner when he encountered those pains and tortures?

    Lin Jian thought, since the original owner can't come back.

    Then let that pure and kind girl stay in everyone's memory forever.

    Anyway, after experiencing an apocalypse, all the pre-apocalyptic things, such as yesterday's death, will all vanish into thin air, so let her live with a new attitude instead of the original owner.

    At the same time, it can also give some support and comfort to these relatives of the original owner.

    It is precisely because of this idea that Lin Jian kept silent about why she took the initiative to leave S City, but instead said to Gao Yuwei coquettishly:

    "Auntie, I came back safely, so please stop talking about it. I'm gone." As

    she said this, she was still holding Gao Yuwei's arm and swaying.

    Gao Yuwei was suddenly lost by Lin Jian, she stretched out her finger and tapped on her forehead:

    "You, you, you know that I can't do anything about you."

    "Okay, you quickly settle your friends, and then talk to Your parents talk well, you pester me and act like a spoiled child, your eyes are red without seeing your mother's envy!"

    Lin Jian imitated the original owner and stuck out her tongue at Gao Yuwei.

    That naughty and agile energy in front of his family is exactly the same as the original owner.

    Therefore, all the Lin family members did not have any doubts.

    On the contrary, Ding Ling was full of doubts -

    how did Lin Jian become the person she first met?

    Could it be that Lin Jian has forgotten about the spread of indecent videos and the gossip at school?

    Or is it that Lin Jian did not want her parents to know about these things, and pretended to be in front of them?

    Is Lin Jian's acting so good? Since this can also be faked, is everything that happened before also faked?

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