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Chapter 31: The Story of the First Daughter's Survival (31)

    After Lin Jian got the emperor's permission, he immediately returned to the prime minister's residence to write a letter.

    In the past, the correspondence between the Xiangfu and Lin Zheng was maintained once every two to three months—

    one because the two sides were far apart, and it was inconvenient to communicate frequently; The two sides can maintain the level of mutual reciprocal peace.

    And the last time I wrote a letter to Lin Zheng was three months ago, when it was written that Lin Di would marry the second prince as his concubine, and there was nothing else.

    Therefore, Lin Zheng, who was far from the border, did not know what happened in the capital.

    This time, Lin Jian wrote the letter clearly and clearly from the beginning to the end, exposing the secret of the different surname Wang Jingcheng, and Lin Di's intention to treason after being found guilty and fleeing.

    At the end, Lin Jian also reminded Lin Zheng that he must be careful about the conspiracy of different surnames Wang.

    A letter was written on nearly 20 pieces of paper. In addition to letting Lin Zheng know the layout of the capital, Lin Jian also attached some amulets to the letter.

    The amulet is Lin Jian's existence in the space.

    When she was in the cultivation world, she had just met Fu Xiu not long ago. She followed Fu Xiu in the Yuan Ying period to learn how to draw talismans. The first talisman she learned was amulet.

    At that time, although she had a high level of cultivation, she was still a novice in Talisman Dao.

    The first batch of painted talismans were just the most common low-grade talismans. In the realm of self-cultivation, they could only block the full-strength blow of the peak Qi-refining cultivation base, and they could no longer be scrapped.

    There are so many treasures in the realm of self-cultivation, and a single robe is worth several low-quality amulets, so these amulets drawn by Lin Jian are completely useless, even if they are sold, there is no market.

    But she thought it was the first batch of results after her studies, so she kept it, but she didn't expect to use it now.

    This world lacks spiritual energy, and the effect of low-grade talismans is not as good as that in the cultivation world, but it can still be done to keep peace.

    On the battlefield, the sword has no eyes, and there is a talisman, Lin Zheng can have more protection, at least no matter whether it is a clear gun or a dark arrow, it cannot cause substantial damage to Lin Zheng.

    After loading the letter, Lin Jian Jian went to find the sixth prince.

    She has already crossed the bright road with the emperor, and now she can go in an open and honest way, and she is not worried that the emperor will suspect that she is colluding with the prince.

    Lin Jian handed the letter to the sixth prince, and took out another batch of amulets, explaining the use:

    "The battlefield is dangerous, leave these to the sixth prince, you can use them yourself, or distribute them to other generals, you can do whatever you want. A lot, but at least it can reduce the casualties of our army."

    "Thank you Miss Lin, the kindness and great virtue cannot be repaid." The sixth prince was very grateful.

    He had seen Lin Jian's abilities long ago, and he believed in Lin Jian's ability to come up with these things. Now that he has these amulets, if they are used well, they can largely influence the situation of the battle.

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