Chapter 440

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Chapter 440: Escape Female Anchor (18)

    After entering the lounge, Duan Shaowei breathed a sigh of relief.

    In the last level "Hospital Mutant Species", he was a patient, his arm was broken and he couldn't use force, and he couldn't help anything. This feeling was too uncomfortable.

    "I hope I won't lose my arms and legs in the next level." Duan Shaowei sighed.

    "Hurry up and recover your strength, we're only halfway through the level," Lin Jian said.

    When it comes to the level, Duan Shaowei has a puzzled expression on his face:

    "It's strange, why is it so difficult to clear the level with you this time? Except for the first level to escape from the birthplace, the other difficulties are simply too difficult. It's hell."

    "When I passed the level by myself, I didn't have such a difficult level."

    After hearing this, Lin Jian couldn't help but guess:

    "Could it be that I'm too good? So the game balance mechanism is to limit me, so give it to me. Arranged difficult levels?"

    "What was your situation before? Tell me!"

    Duan Shaowei thought about it and explained,

    "Because every level is different, I can't be too specific.

    " But for example, let's take the 'treasure hunt in the maze' we encountered, if I was alone, the maze would definitely not be so complicated, and the map would be given at the beginning."

    Lin Jian shrugged and calmly The expression: The

    strong have nothing to fear!

    The two chatted like this and spent a 20-minute break.

    Since the helmet has not started to alarm, it means that their bodies can continue to withstand the game, so the customs clearance has to continue.

    When the break time is up, the mechanical sound of the game sounds:

    "The player is about to enter the sixth level: the Grand Theater of Horror."

    "After half a minute, the player will be loaded into the grand theater scene. As the audience of the theater, after watching the performance carefully, it is a respect for every performer."

    "This level is a limited-time copy, and the time is one hour." The

    voice fell, The countdown begins.

    Soon Lin Jian and Duan Shaowei were pulled into the copy of the Grand Theater. At this time, they were standing at the gate of a "Grand Theater of Horror" with tickets in their hands.

    There were two ticket-checkers standing in front of the theater.

    Strictly speaking, that can't be called a person, but a monster with a dog-headed human body.

    In their dog's mouth, they can spit out human language:

    "Attention, audiences! "No Survival" brought by Cerberus, the star of the Grand Theater of Horrors, will start in five minutes!"

    "Please haven't checked the tickets yet. The audience, quickly check the tickets to enter the theater and take their seats!"

    "Please remember to keep smiling while watching the play. Cerberus believes that a smile is the greatest affirmation of his performance!"

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