Chapter 321

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Chapter 321 The Nine Princesses of the Restoration of the Kingdom (19)

    The original owner died early, so I don't know what happened next.

    But Lin Jian thanked the original owner for giving her the opportunity to come here, otherwise this world will be occupied by alien zerg, and human beings will no longer have a place to live.

    Lin Jian stared at the worms coldly, and asked again:

    "You said, your name is 'Invader Pioneer No. 003', and you said, the Queen of the Zerg sent a group of vanguard troops, does that mean that, except for you Besides, there are No. 001, No. 002 in front, or there are more in the back?" The

    four dislikes bugs can't hide it, they can only tell the truth:

    "There are not so many, except for me, there are only 001 and 002, they go separately Xichang and Beiying."

    "In the interstellar space, our Zerg has suffered a fiasco, and the number is very small. His Majesty the Zerg King has to keep a group of people around him as guards, and it is impossible to send too many people."

    " What's more, the breeding grounds of our Zerg have been destroyed. There are no spaceships and no space vehicles. We can only rely on the most primitive energy blocks to support our time and space transition."

    "But the number of energy blocks is very small, and only three of us can be put into it. I came here."

    Lin Jian listened to the worm's words, and thought in her heart:

    Xichang and Beiying are two other countries on this continent, and Da'an are three pillars, restraining and balancing each other.

    For so many years, it has been developing peacefully.

    Da'an is located in the east, with flat terrain and a pleasant climate, suitable for planting. Therefore, it is a large grain-producing country, and sometimes grains are exported to other countries.

    There are many mountain ranges in Xichang, undulating peaks and peaks, and the mining industry is developed, especially iron ore, which makes their weapon forging and smelting technology very high.

    Beiying State is located in the northwest, with vast grasslands, mainly engaged in animal husbandry, coupled with the fierce folk customs in the northern minority areas, the industry of war horse breeding has been derived.

    These three countries, one has food and grass, the other has weapons, and the other has war horses, and they all take advantage of each other's shortcomings, so they can develop peacefully.

    Of course, this is the human mind.

    But once the Zerg invaded and settled in the human body, it would be different.

    The sojourned people lost their human consciousness and could not make correct judgments, and could only obey the orders of the Zerg to "obey their superiors".

    Moreover, the combat power of the people who have been sojourned has soared. If this is fought on the battlefield, where will ordinary humans be opponents?

    Thinking of this, Lin Jian stared at the bug with awe-inspiring eyes:

    "I didn't expect you to be quite smart."

    "Separate action, three countries with cholera, and finally create a large-scale war between the three countries."

    "Wait for this continent to be completely chaotic. At that time, everyone is thinking about how to survive, and no one cares what you are, and you can reproduce unscrupulously."

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