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Chapter 291 Genius Demon Catcher (37)

    Sect Leader He looked at Zhao Yueli, who had been raised by himself, with a heartache flashing in his eyes.

    Zhao Yueli was wrong, but maybe he was wrong too.

    In the past years of raising her and teaching her kung fu, he and all the seniors in the monster hunting world made mistakes -

    they were immersed in the joy of Zhao Yueli's natural eyes, and they only wanted to train her to be the future leader of the monster hunting world. But he neglected to help her shape the correct three views.

    So much so that she was so deeply influenced by her parents that she distorted her thoughts.

    However, Sect Leader He's heartache just flashed by, and Zhao Yueli didn't notice it. Then, Sect Leader He said to Zhao Yueli,

    "Since you want to come back, it's not impossible."

    "I'll ask you a few questions, You need to answer truthfully, and make no mistakes."

    "If you can behave well in front of so many demon hunters, I may not be able to favor you again and admit you to my demon slaying gate again."

    Zhao Yueli listened . There was a look of joy on his face, and he nodded immediately:

    "Master, I am willing to answer all your questions, I must know everything and say everything."

    Immediately afterwards, the head of He began to question, and so on -

    how did you start from the beginning? Opened the Slaughter Gate of the Mountain Protection Array and escaped?

    What kind of monster are you involved with?

    Who were you with when you were away, and what happened?

    What are those monsters doing lately?


    He asked, Zhao Yueli replied, everything seemed to be in order.

    Zhao Yueli also felt that her answer was very perfect, and used all the stories that the fox demon and her made up before.

    But she didn't realize that every time she answered a sentence, the expressions of those seniors became ugly.

    Because her answers were full of flaws.

    Sometimes there are even inconsistencies, and there are many mistakes and omissions, and you can tell that it is made up as soon as you hear it.

    These seniors are all human beings who have lived almost their entire lives. It is easy to tell whether it is the truth or a lie.

    In the original plot, the reason why they believed in Zhao Yueli and not the original owner was for two reasons:

    first, because Zhao Yueli grew up with them and never made mistakes in front of them, so they trusted Zhao Yueli. Not wavering.

    Second, it was because Zhao Yueli returned to the Demon Slaying Sect first, and the original owner returned after recovering from his injuries. The two people's speeches were completely different, but people must have a preconceived impression.

    But it's different now.

    Zhao Yueli's halo had been beaten by Lin Jian for a long time. She had absolutely no credibility in the monster hunting world. The seniors faced her with suspicion and scrutiny. Naturally, they could tell that she was lying.

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