Chapter 322

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Chapter 322 The Nine Princesses of the Restoration of the Kingdom (20)

    As soon as these words came out, all the girls fell silent.

    After a while, Yun Qian'er gave a wry smile, with a sarcastic smile on her face:

    "What else can we do?"

    "Now in the entire capital, who doesn't know that we were the women of the peak? And all of them were unmatched before marriage with him. Cowardly."

    "Although everyone has regained their senses, their memories are still there. In the end, it was we who did something scandalous, embarrassing our parents and embarrassing our family!"

    In this era when women's chastity is extremely important, these girls are really is too hard.

    They can't go back to their parents' home because they have embarrassed the family.

    There were only two results when he went back:

    either he was given a piece of white silk and a glass of poisonous wine by his family, and he died;

    They also have no chance of getting married again.

    Any man in the capital who is about the same age and status as them would not choose to marry a woman who has lost her virginity.

    You can't judge right or wrong, and it's not that these men don't take pity on Xiangxiyu.

    This is the limitation of the times, and it is an old thought for thousands of years.

    Even in the later generations with an open style, in the modern society where the status of women has risen, such a situation exists.

    If these girls want to live and get married, that's fine too.

    You can only marry far and marry low.

    Far away from the capital, no one would know what happened to them; the noble girl married lowly, and the man was forced by the status and power of the woman's family, and he did not dare to complain about the loss of virginity.

    But if this is the case, will these girls be happy again?

    "Ninth Princess, we can't repay your great kindness and virtue to us." Ruan Qingqing said, "Everyone has their own fate, our future path has already been destined, and please invite the Ninth Princess. Don't worry about us."

    "Who said your future is doomed?" Lin Jian asked back.

    Everyone looked at her with a puzzled look, waiting for her explanation.

    Lin Jian thought for a while and said,

    "In a few days, when I have dealt with the capital affairs, I will report to the emperor and plan to go out, maybe to Xichang or Beiying.

    " If you think you can't stay in the capital, just go out with me."

    "In the past few years, you have been raised in a deep boudoir, watching the world and learning the battle of the inner house. Have you never experienced the world? How far is it?"

    "Maybe if you go out and take a look, you will know that there are various ways to live in life."

    "Pain, suffering, setback, humiliation, if you can't defeat you, then it will make you Become incomparably powerful."

    "I'm not forcing you, I just want you to think about it."

    "Death is not the best solution, you are all beautiful and talented, you have read books for so many years, learned After so many years of skill, just because of a scum, will you ruin your good years and life?"

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