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AURORAMonday, 15th August~ Lurk by The Neighbourhood

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Monday, 15th August
~ Lurk by The Neighbourhood

Today begins the final year of high school. Hard to believe that I even survived these 11 years. But it goes even further to college, which will be much more strenuous.

My gaze swept down the high school hallway as I walked in. Nothing has changed since last summer vacation. The same faces, except for the new freshman, posters with the inscription "Against Racism" and voluntary courses like Spanish or the debating club.

I walked down the aisle, exhaling annoyed, and grabbed my backpack tightly, so it strapped tighter to my back. Left and right are groups of people talking to each other and probably telling what they did during the summer holidays.

I didn't look at them, my gaze was straight ahead, but I didn't even make eye contact with a person, there's no reason I don't like trouble and the quicker I get through here the quicker I get in class where start the first two lessons with biology.

I went to my locker to get the books that I hadn't taken the last time when a person stood next to me and unlocked the locker in the same way after turning the locker pin.

"You're pretty early for a first day, though." I closed my locker again and leaned against it as I crossed my hands over my chest and looked at Quinn, who once again couldn't be dressed casually.

She loves to mess with the teacher, no matter what the rule, she wants to break it, she doesn't care about the dress code, and every time she pushes the line even more, although I thought that was it.

She has two braids that are slightly pulled apart and fall forward. Her hair is long, which makes these hairstyles, like many of them, look good on her.

A black beanie supports the look. She's wearing a long-sleeved shirt with holes where she put her thumbs through on the side. A sweater and pants that are wide but also have holes. So three if I look correctly. Boots and a jacket. I've always envied her style because I knew it suited her so well, but when I put this on, I look like I'm being homeless.

She closes her locker where I just now noticed that her septum which was always gold is now silver. Her eye makeup is dark as always. "I decided to come earlier." She pulled me into a short hug to say hello.

When I looked at her, she smiled. Quinn always comes across as an emo, drug addict, narcissist who only cares about herself, but she's the complete opposite of everything. She is very kind, takes care of her closest ones, and couldn't be more loving. In addition, she helped me at a very difficult time in my life, when I didn't even know that I would be able to stand here again where I am now.

"Or your mom made you." I laugh as we started walking across the aisle to our class. She rolled her eyes. "When she saw my transcript, she freaked out. She was so mad, she took my phone away and wouldn't let me out for the first few days." That doesn't look like Araya at all. She's more of a chill mom. She jokes, teases you, and tries to talk to Quinn about everything as best she can. Quinn must have screwed up when Araya grounded her.

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