𝑠𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑦-𝑓𝑖𝑣𝑒 | 𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑦

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I opened the door and saw Aurora standing in front of me. She was out of breath and sweaty. "Have you run a marathon?" She hates running. She holds her neck sideways and checks if she has a pulse, I should do it instead.

"Do you have time? Well, I mean..." She sips hard. "Actually, my..." "Hello." My father came to us and looked over my shoulder at her.

That's why I didn't want her to come because that's exactly what he's going to do. "Hello." Aurora stretched and looked at him. Her gaze wasn't loving, but it wasn't repulsive either.

"Don't you want your girlfriend to ask in?" I didn't say anything and let Aurora go in. My father walk to the couch while I took Aurora by her hand and took her to my room.

"Wait here and don't touch anything," I ordered my father until I closed the door. "I'll never run again." she lay down on my bed.

"Why did you run anyway?" I went to my closet and got her a Shirt, so she wouldn't have to stay in this sweaty one she had on.

"Well, I heard your father is here, and I didn't want to leave you alone." So she ran? She only ran to be with me because of my father? "Here, put this on." I threw my shirt on her lap.

Some would say I'm exaggerating, but my heart is beating really fast, and I don't know if it should just because Aurora is here. She came all this way just for me.

"So who is that?" I went to the kitchen and made a glass of water for Aurora. "Her name is Aurora. She's about to come out of this room, and if you're gonna mess something up, I'll kick you out. She should feel comfortable." My father nodded.

I sit down, then Aurora came out of my room with my shirt. My things suit her so much. I wish she would always wear something like this.

"I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself. I'm Aurora." She held out her hand to my father. He shook it with a smile. "Mike. Mike Hall." she took her hand and sat next to me. "Here." I hand her the glass of water, and she nods in thanks.

"So where do you know each other from?" asks my father. "We're in the same class." Aurora drank from her glass and put it back down.

She sat straight and elegant as if she wanted to make a good impression. But she doesn't need that, at least not with my father. He probably doesn't even care that she's here. Not that I like her, either.

"Ares never told me about you." "Well, not about you either." she smiled. My father just looked at me. Oh, she is pissed.

"Could you tell me what Ares was like as a kid?" she sat back. My dad nodded and actually told stories about me when I was little.

When he was there, of course. I don't know if she does it on purpose or just because she really wants to know. I mean, what's the point that she knows how I was when I was little?

Now I'm different. Would see my friends from before, with whom I broke contact. Wouldn't she recognize me, all this shit changed me. Very much.

"I can tell he's just as stubborn as he is now. I used to want to go fishing with him. When no fish bit and I wanted to leave, he tried to convince me with his words and arguments to stay there until he caught at least one fish. He didn't care if we sat there for years." She smiled just as much as I love to see her like this.

"Did he catch one?" "Yes, I did." I finally said something. She looks at me, "Then you're not such a disaster after all."

"He felt sorry for the fish, so he threw it back in." I rolled my eyes at the mention of the aftermath of the fishing. I mean yeah I did and?

"So you waited hours to release him?" A small giggle escaped Aurora as she covered her mouth with her hand. "Laugh. I was young and different."

"Not that much," said my father. "I still recognize you in many ways. You've changed a lot, but you're still the little boy I knew." I looked at him.

Have I really not changed? I mean that's what I thought, mom's drug addiction and his disappearing changed me, maybe metal, the drinking, drugs, and also the girl's thing. I took everything lightly because I didn't see anything serious.

Parents are supposed to love and cherish you, so why didn't they? I was abandoned and then kicked out on the street. I was alone. My hands grew cold, my body stiff. As Aurora's warm hand laid on mine.

"Everything okay?" "Yes." I nodded and grabbed her hand to hold her close to me. I feel better with her. Safer.

Aurora struck up a conversation again to change the topic of my change. She laughed and listened. She was like she thinks everything my father tells about me is interesting. All that. My father listened to Aurora when she did the same.

"So it's already late. I should go now, It was nice meeting you, Aurora." She pulled herself out of my grasp and stood up. "So did I, Mr. Hall." they shook hands, and my father went to the door.

"Wait, I'll bring you." I ran after him to the door, which I opened. My father took a step forward and turned around.

"Let me tell you one thing, Ares. In life, I made stupid decisions. But I know, that you don't need anyone who wants to be there when it's messy and when it's hard, not just when it's fun and convenient. You need someone who chooses you when it's meant not to be the easiest choice, and you need someone who would rather do nothing with you than anything in the world with someone else. And the girl in there. She is it. She would do for you what I or your mother never did. Love you as you deserve. You're lucky to have found her."

"Yes, I'm." I smiled. My dad might be a horrible dad who didn't do anything for his son, but he's damn right. Aurora is special, she's what I want forever.

"I hope we can meet again and talk like that." I nodded. "We'll see." "Then have a nice evening." My father left and I closed the door.

Back walking to Aurora. "What are you doing?" I saw Aurora take her things out of my room and put on her jacket. "I'm going home. What else should I do?" she raised an eyebrow.

"So you come here running to me and think you can go now just like that?" She nods and came closer to me, very close, until her lips are only a few inches away from mine. "I'm not your slave. Remember? I do what I want." Then she walked to the door.

"Ah, and something else. Link and I aren't together anymore." They not? She walks to the door and unlocked it. As I walk over and grabbed her arm.

The door slammed when I pinned her against it. Without saying anything, I kissed her, and she kissed me. "Is that okay?" "Totally."

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