𝑠𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑦-𝑜𝑛𝑒 | 𝑌𝑜𝑢 𝑓𝑒𝑙𝑙 𝑓𝑜𝑟 ℎ𝑖𝑚

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AURORA Monday, 28th March

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Monday, 28th March

"I danced with him because you preferred to be with your friend!" I yell at Link, who is mad at me.

I thought I was at that age now that boys would be a bit mature and not say how wrong I was about every little thing.

"You could stay by my side and not dance with a guy who probably just wanted to hit on you." link annoys me. I have to justify myself all the time not only for the fact that he wasn't there or saw us but because someone told him some shit.

He believes them more than me, though, because the actual person says I danced so close with Ares that we almost kissed, but that's not true. Ares and I even danced so far that I was shocked that he didn't try.

My hand even wasn't in his. "Are you kidding me? You want me to be like a dog on your side even though I came to a party? Link I'm your girlfriend, not your accessory. So treat me like that." I walk away from that stupid alley next to the gym.

"Where are you going? We're not done." I turned to the left again. "I don't know. Maybe to Ares so he sticks his tongue down my throat." I rolled my eyes and actually walk away.

"Hey." I then sat down at the table where Mason and Zeth were eating and talking. Both greeted me. "Link is a pain in my ass. He's making a mistake now I'm being teased." "Shall I hit him?" I and Zeth both looked at Mason, he just shrugged.

"We don't hit anyone. Last time ended up in a hospital." "Kirian deserved that." yes he really did, after what he did to me and the boys too, a broken nose was too mild to be considered a punishment.

"Why don't you try to explain to him how it was?" "I have. I've done that a thousand times but he listens more to his friends than to me." "I thought you girls liked those overprotective boyfriends." Mason took a sip of his coke.

"Yes, overprotective is hot but not controlling, he wanted me to stand by him as if I had no life myself." "Break up with him."

My eyebrow rose at Mason's statement.

"I won't break up." "Don't listen to him, he's talking some nonsense. But I think you'll take care of the problem yourself." put Zeth his hand on my shoulder to give me a clear conscience.

"Maybe." "For sure. Come with us today, for a distraction." a distraction sounds pretty good. "Where are you going?" "Just having a nice time in the park," explain me zeth.

"We do this every year. We'll get something to eat and drink, make a fire and just sit there." "There's music and alcohol too," added Mason.

That really doesn't even sound bad. I mean campfire and hanging out with friends, for all the stress that's on my mind right now, that's just the thing. "Can I invite Dylan and Quinn too?"

Zeth nodded. "Of course, the more the better." "Okay, cool, see you later. Will you send me the location then?" Mason breathed out a yes. I got up with a smile and went to find Quinn and Dylan so I could tell them.

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