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AURORAWednesday, 17th August~Dark red by Steve Lacy

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Wednesday, 17th August
~Dark red by Steve Lacy

The sunlight shines in my eyes. I immediately closed my eyes even more. It blinded me. I put my head up, open slowly my eyes, and looked around the room. Quinn isn't in my bed anymore. I got up and looked around. My room is really messy.

The clothes on the floor, the things spread out on my desk. Exhausted, I crossed my forehead. What I would do to stay in bed.

I pulled the covers off me and finally got out of bed. I slowly walked into the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. My hair was a mess and I looked exactly how I felt. Like shit.

I was too tired yesterday to remove my makeup. I closed my eyes and stretched by putting my hands in the air. I turned on the water to put cold water on my face to wake up a bit.

I looked at myself in the mirror again, curds dripping down my face in the sink, hands clutching the sink. I took my eyes off of myself and walked into the room to finally check my phone. My eyes widened when I saw the time. 10 am?

Shit, shit, shit. I am late. But I still have to get ready. I threw my phone on the bed and ran to the bathroom to get ready.

In the shower, I brushed my teeth and took off my makeup at the same time. I dried off quickly, pulled something out of my closet, so a sweater and sweatpants.

I blow-dried my hair while putting toast in my mouth, made myself a ponytail. Then I ran out of the house faster to maybe try to get into the fourth period.

I came into class slightly sweaty. "I'm sorry I'm late, I overslept." I looked at the teacher. Luckily it was Mr. lenk who I was late for. He is very nice to me and not too strict.

"It's all right, please sit down." I nodded and sat down in the free seat that was still there. It was in the back in the corner, but that wasn't a problem for me. I tried to be quiet as I could to sit in the vacant seat.

I took out my block, the history book, and wrote down the things that were on the blackboard. "America evolved over time like Europe and other continents. But how many states do we have exactly now?"

Mr. Lenk looked through the class, I raised my hand immediately, he picked me up, and I answered his question with fifty. "Exactly. 50 states belong to the USA and to bring us closer to one of the most famous and well-known ones, you will write in a small project which arises from a term paper."

Mr. Lenk picked up a stack of papers that he had lying on his desk. "Fate will bring you together. I will draw two slips and these two people will be the partners. On these sheets are questions that must be in the housework. But it is also a little help to find the way to write."

Mr. Lenk distributed the leaves, everyone gets one. When he is back at his desk, he takes the small bowl with the papers in his hand and shakes it so that the small papers with the names get mixed up.

He was holding the bowl in his left hand as he took one with his right hand, thus opening it with one hand.

He preceded the first name, then the second. These are the partners. Then the next two. "Zeth." he said out loud.

"Quinn." I glanced at her as she shifted her gaze to find her partner. As I did, I glanced around right then at Quinn, who shrugged at me.

"Aurora." he let out my name. I held my thumb in my fist praying for someone to get me an A. I need that A, this will be my senior year first grade, and I can't fail.

I can't allow myself any grades other than an A or B to get my scholarship and a good university. It is important to me.

This is how I can make myself and my father proud. "Ares." My eyes wide. When I looked in the last row to my left, I could see exactly Ares looking at me, That's a joke That can't be true! He of all people?

We are 20 people in a class, and out of those 20 must this one person I hate be my partner? It's 5% of 100% how the hell does this happen? You really shouldn't believe this 5% it seems to be little, and yet I'm elected with it.

I rolled my eyes and looked ahead to the rest of the class to concentrate. Half an hour flew, I said flew because I couldn't stop thinking about the worst time of my life.

I can't believe I'm actually partnered with him. I turned to look unobtrusively at this Idiot, who was writing something in his notes. His hand was adorned with tattoos and rings. Slight veins can be seen. He drops the pen and then goes through his dark but messy hair.

His gaze wanders to me. He looks at me, his brown eyes seem to sparkle as the sunlight light his eyes and looks ahead. I snort in annoyance and imitate him.

Does he think he's the king of the class? Just because he's handsome and maybe intelligent doesn't mean he has to put himself that way. Mr. Lenk talks about the individual states and gives us the state in which we have to write the project.

Idiot, and I have California. It's not that bad when you think about it, I've only been in LA once through my father, who was helping one of his friends in the practice.

I loved watching him operate, and I also loved how happy the mother was about the successful operation. She smiled with tears in her eyes, jumping over my father's neck.

It was the time I realized that I really wanted to be a surgeon. I want people to smile at me because I was able to save family or friends. I saw how it made me feel at a young age. I loved it.

Class is over, I haven't really focused, but to pass the time I wrote down a few facts about Los Angeles. I just packed my things and walk to Quinn to talk, really upset about my partner of the housework.

"It can't be. I'm in a group with this Idiot, of all people? Five pages about Los Angeles with him? I could freak out." Annoyed, I grabbed the plate with burger and fries that we had for dinner today and walked over to our typical table with Quinn.

"First of all, it's good, so he doesn't seem stupid to me, he'll definitely give you an A." I rolled my eyes and we both sat down. "Well, we'll get that A through me. I know I'm better than him."

"Wow, Aurora so sure of herself? You're really serious, you really have to see him as an enemy." What did she think? That I'm taking everything as a joke?

"What about your partner? Zeth right?" I put fries in my mouth. "Yeah. He seems nice and not stupid either. He knows what we're doing, and we want to meet tomorrow to start." my eyebrows shot up with excitement.

It's weird to hear that Quinn is so motivated when it is about school. She hates going to school because her mother won't let her skip anymore and drives to school every day after she got her last transcript with hundreds of hours missed.

"Don't let the poor boy do all the work." She smiled at me, I knew it. I rolled my eyes, we finished our food and continued talking about other things.

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