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ARESTuesday, 31th May~Trauma by nf

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Tuesday, 31th May
~Trauma by nf

"Do you want to let her and Aurora get to know each other?" Has Mason asked that? I don't know myself. My mother has to come at a moment like this. Everything went great. I was really happy then she came with her problem. "I'd rather not. I want Aurora out of this, I don't want her to have anything to do with her or that asshole."

"Then what do you want to do? Kick your own mother out before Aurora comes to your apartment?" as if we called Aurora, she walked up to our table with Zeth and Quinnby her side.

She sat down next to me and secretly put her hand on my thigh. Of course, everything under the table that nobody sees.

"There are a lot of people in my house today. Shall we go to your place?" she whispered in my ear. Shit. I can't let her come to me while my mother is still there, but the excuse didn't work anymore. For weeks, we've only been outside or at Aurora's place.

"Let's go to the park or something." "To the park? We were there yesterday and let's be honest, It's getting colder and colder outside." she looked at me confused. "I can give you my jacket." Her gaze didn't change, not even a grin as usual.

"You're weird. Is everything okay?" I nodded, but nothing was okay. There's the girl I wanted to ask days ago if she wants to be my girlfriend, and now I can't because the first thing I have to do is let the devil out of my house. Unfortunately, I'm sorry for her.

"Really? You've been like this for weeks." Aurora isn't stupid, I know that. "Yeah, everything's great." I kissed her on the forehead when she looked away in a panic to see if anyone saw. We turn to the conversation everyone else was having when my gaze met Mason's.

It was the typical peak at your phone. I looked at it.

You have to do something, you know.

She slowly realizes something is wrong.

She will think that you don't like her anymore.

I looked at Aurora, who took a deep breath in and out like she were totally bored.

Or she's really worried.

She is not stupid, Ares, she knows when something is wrong.

He's right. Aurora knows a lot, she's not stupid. But I don't want her to get hurt. Worse, not because of me. I don't want her getting involved in this stupid thing of mine.


"When are you going to move out?" I walked into the house and saw my mom eating on the couch and watching TV.

So I'm worried, and she doesn't even bother looking for an apartment? "Ares, I need more time. It's hard to find an apartment plus a job." she wailed.

"I managed it when I was 17, so you can do it too. I'll tell you one thing, don't think you'll stay here much longer." She wanted to speak up, but there was a knock on the door.

I went and opened it. "I know you didn't want me to come for any reason whatsoever, but I wanted to say I'm sorry no matter what I did." She apologizes for something, even though there isn't anything.

This girl is worth more than all of this in the world.

"Ares, who is there?" She had to say something, didn't she? Aurora looks at me with a raised eyebrow. That doesn't look good at all. A girl's voice in the background of a person who had a new one every day in the past.

"Forget the apology." She was about to leave when I held her. "Aurora, it's not what you think." "What? What do I think, Ares? That you didn't invite me all these weeks because you have someone else? Yes, I think so."

"It's my mother." She stopped. She turned and looked at me. "Your mother kicked you out, why should she come back now."

"I'll explain everything to you later, I promise, please don't think I would have someone else because that's not how it is. Never."

"Ares..." my mother came out. This woman is getting on my nerves. Doesn't she think she's inappropriate? "Ahh hello. Who are you?" she crossed her hands in front of her chest. And yet Aurora knows who my mother is and what she has done, she introduces herself to her as if she had never heard a word from my mother.

"I'm Ophelia." She took Aurora's hand and shook it. Then she pulled it away. "I've cooked, would you like some? Of course, I want to meet my son's friend." Aurora looks at me.

But then she agreed. My mother can be tormented. She is a torment. I didn't want to involve Aurora because I can't tell if my mom is really off drugs.

She seems clean, but I can't tell for sure. I can only hope that everything goes well until Aurora leaves this apartment.


She talks for hours, Aurora even laughed a few times, but I could tell she was getting uncomfortable. She reached under that table, to my hand, and held it. "Okay, it's late, I should bring Aurora." my mother looked at me as I got up and pulled Aurora with me.

"It was nice to meet you, ma'am." She smiled at my mother with her beautiful smile and went to put on her shoes. "Clean that while I'm gone." she nodded at me, then I walked out to my car with Aurora.

"She would seem nice if I hadn't thought about what she had done to you," Aurora said her real thoughts. We got in the car and drive off.

"I'm sorry that I interfered you in this shit." She looked at me briefly and then put her hand on mine. "I decided to go in myself."

How can she even talk so angry about my mother when she talks to me so softly?

"This woman is insane." I don't blame her for what she says or for being upset, I get that, but I'm still so pissed. I could talk about her the same way.

"Thanks for driving." She stepped closer, kissed me, and walked out of the car. Then I watched her walk to the door and step inside as I quickly drove back to my apartment.

I made my way quickly because this with my mother had to end. I can't pretend, nothing happened just because she's my mom.

The fact is that she kicked me out because she chose more of her screwed-up asshole boyfriend beating me. She just left me with my clothes, no money, nothing, only Mason was able to help me, and I'm so thankful he did.

I went into the apartment. I threw my key on the table, which was still the way I left it. I told her to clean it up. I look around and called once. When I saw my mother in the living room from where I hide all the money I had saved for college.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I pulled the bag away from her. She was startled by me and looked at me with holy eyes.

"Please help me, otherwise he will hit me again. I have debts, Ares." I grabbed her arm violently and pulled her up while I walk towards the door. I can't believe how naive I am. I let her live in my apartment, give her food and that's the thanks?

She steals the money I saved for my future? "You haven't changed a bit, you're the same as before. Don't let yourself be manipulated, Wake up! He doesn't love you!" I opened the door and threw her out.

As if by pressing a button, she changed, her emotion changing from a desperate woman looking for help to a woman who treats me like shit.

"You think he doesn't love me? What do you know about love? You have a sweet, innocent little doll who just pretended to be nice and kind to me. That she is so good. Do you really think you two have a future? Don't fool yourself, Ares. Someone like you and her has no future. You are my son, my flesh and blood. You're like me and your good for nothing that you call a father. You run away from the problem, we all do that in our blood. You won't be able to offer her a future, the only thing you're doing is destroying her future." I slammed the door.


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