𝑓𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑛 | 𝑌𝑜𝑢'𝑟𝑒 𝑏𝑎𝑐𝑘

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AURORASunday, 25th September

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Sunday, 25th September

"And? What did Grandma Wells gave you?" "This bitch is now 200 dollars richer in her pocket!" Quinn yelled through the phone, where her mother heard her too.

"Quinn Florentine Jovanovic! That's not how I raised you." She admonished, who got quite annoyed at calling Quinn's full name. Incident when the second name that Quinn hates so much came up.

"Sorry mom. Just slipped out of me like this." Quinn's voice sounded apologetic and slightly annoyed. I need to stop myself from laughing out loud.

"Aurora, I'll call you later. I think my mother gave me another two-hour lecture why I'm not allowed to say the word bitch." I'm okay with a laugh I couldn't suppress, and then hung up.

I got up from the bed and walked into the living room, where Max was doing homework and my mother was cooking. "Quinn is at a family dinner." I told her and sat down next to Max.

I tore a grape from the fruit basket and popped it in my mouth. "The whole one?" I nodded. "Grandma Wells too." "Then Quinn must be making a profit."

"And?" I threw another grape into my mouth and looked at Max. "School is so difficult." Max breathed desperately over his math homework.

"Show me." I pulled on his book, which I then put in front of me. plus and minus. I love the subject.

"Look, just use pens when you can't count it fast with your fingers, you then calculate this result with it." He looked at the pens I lay to the side and nodded at my explanation.

"Thanks" he took his book back and started to do the homework. "Max, put the book away. Time for dinner."

My mother turned around with two plates in her hands. There was broccoli, potatoes and chicken on the plate. I smiled at her in thanks.

"So I have to work. Theo comes home late too, so don't mess around." Max speared the potato and put it in his mouth. My mother gave him and then me a kiss on the head.

"No TV until 10, go to bed at 8 and ask him to do his homework." I nodded. She said another fifty things that I already knew.

"Mom it's alright. You can go." "I'm so glad to have you. Love you."

"We love you too." the door got shut. "So you have something in mind, exactly what we could do?" I turned to Max and put a piece of meat in my mouth.

"Movie?" "I like your thought." "I'm just a genius." I rolled my eyes with a smile and went to my phone.

The internet is now teeming with stories about the basketball game against our school rivals. Girl with boyfriend's number painted on her face. Boys in their jerseys.

I've never been a fan of the whole basketball thing. It was always there for me, but not relevant. "What's going on?" said Max when the video played where girls walk around with a placard in their hands.

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