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So you voted and the majority was for one chapter every day

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So you voted and the majority was for one chapter every day. I'm sorry for the others who voted for six chapters on Monday. I hope it's okay anyway.

But before you start reading I would like to say that thank you so fucking much for all these kind words. it gives me so much motivation to write more and more chapters, also new books.

Thank you


I was just studying in my room. Next to me was Dylan reading one of my books that he took off the shelf.

"How can you imagine this position? I mean, how she describes it. She circled her legs and put her around him?" Does he have to get a book like that out of the shelf?

"You need imagination." I wanted to pull the book out of his hands when he slapped my hand away. "Nobody said I wouldn't read it anymore." "Be careful you don't get hard." I got up and took my pens and notebook with me.

Dylan just looked at his crotch to see if he really didn't get any. I laughed. "Stop laughing. I just wanted to see if I got dirty while eating." "Yeah sure." I let Dylan continue reading the book in the room while I walk to the kitchen to get us some food.

"What are you doing?" I looked at Max and his friend Collin, who is visiting him today. "I'll show Collin the new game that Jeremy gave me." they played on the controller. I opened one bag of chips and put it in two different bowls.

I took both in my hand and walk to the boys who were playing GTA. My mother will kill me if she knows I let him. But he's old enough. "Just turn that off and give the CD to Dylan before mom gets home." He nodded and continued playing.

I made my way to my room, putting a chip in my mouth as I heard music coming from my room. Did Dylan turn on some music to make the book read better? I hope not.

I opened the door and saw Dylan sitting on the floor by the side of the window laughing himself to death. "What's going on?" He pointed with hardly any air for the constant laughing outside, where I saw Link standing.

He had a guitar in his hand and was about to start playing. Oh my god, no. I opened the window and stopped him before he embarrassed me and most importantly, himself.

"What are you doing here?" "I wanted to prove to you that I like you, Aurora, I want to have with you what we had before." Dylan laughed on the floor next to me as I kicked him.

What got into him? Who will please come to a girl's window with a guitar and sing for her? I mean it's cute but if you can sing and after the various car rides with him. I know that Link can't sing.

"Have you watched too many Disney movies, or why did you come up with such an idea?" He looks at me with a lot of expectation, as if his plan could have worked so well.

Like, I climbed out of the room and hugged him just because he was playing a song on the guitar.

"I wanted to try it." It came out innocently, which increases my sympathy because I now feel guilty for being such a bitch to him.

"Well, it didn't work out." I shrugged my shoulders and kept a gentle facial expression on my face so as not to come across as angry.

"Can I talk to you? Inside." I looked at Dylan, who was just getting up. "I'm checking on Max and Collin." I mouthed a thank you and saw the door close.

"Don't make it too long." He nodded and handed me his guitar, which I took in and lay on my bed. Link held on jumped up and came in through the window.

He closed the window again. "So talk." I stood in front of him and waited for the words that link would say to me. "Okay... Wait, it's harder than I thought."

He looked at me, at the floor, back at me, and holds my gaze. So tight that I can hardly avoid it.

"Link..." "No Aurora. Listen to me." he came so close to me, so I looked up to could keep looking at him. "I love you. I do, and I want to be with you. If this is too fast for you, I can take what we had. But please give me a chance."

Link's words amaze me. The words I love you have been said to me many times. From my parents, Quinn, Dylan, and Ben. All didn't feel as serious as this one.

It's like he's fighting to say those words to me as best he can to make me realize how serious he is. I didn't want anything from Link because I wanted Ares.

I still want him, but he's dating Scarlett. I won't intervene. I could never. No matter how much I dislike Scarlett or how much she annoys me with her existence, I would never do to anyone what someone did to me.

Link is nice Yes, he is also smart in some phases, and he also has a great body. He looks good, and it looks like he really cares that we start something again.

Ares is not an option, I have to go further, I can't be stuck in one place for years and, even if I have to, fall in love with Link. "We can try, but I can't do it for you.." I was interrupted by the soft lips that Link put on my mouth.

I was shocked at first, but then I closed my eyes and kissed him too. His hands touch me. While mine scattered his hair even more.

Then he suddenly broke away from me. "God, I missed that." I smiled slightly. "Do you think Dylan can take care of your brother for a while?" I raised my eyebrow.

"I can't wait, I need to feel you again. Your skin on mine." Link says it as if we had already slept together, even though it was only oral sex.

"Then someone has to be patient." A grin formed on Link's lips as he pulled me close to the waist, so we could kiss intensely again.

He broke away again and went out the window. We say goodbye, and he walked to his car that was in front of the door.

Ares will be history for me.

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