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AURORA Saturday, 24th September

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Saturday, 24th September

"I don't know." I put two fries, that were on the table between Dylan, Quinn, and me, in my mouth. "Oh come on, the party is going to be fun, it's a pool party." "You think you can get me with the word pool? Just thinking about what happened last time?"

"Dylan gets us out at the last moment, if it comes to that, we won't be drinking as much as we did there." "What if I just don't want to?"

"You got your B a week ago, we haven't celebrated that yet. Even if that ass gets it." She's not entirely wrong, I only studied for the English exam and really didn't celebrate the grade at all. "Okay, but I won't swim, nor will I drink."

"That's okay." Quinn nodded with a gleeful smile and sipped from her milkshake. "And you're coming too." She looks at Dylan, who is leaning against the wall. "Someone has to save you." Said the silver-haired while on the phone.

She rolls her eyes. She hates being treated like a child by Dylan, but sometimes it's just necessary. "Come on, we have to get to work." Quinn took the last fries and ate them.

Then she stood next to the table and waited for me to get up, but I looked at Dylan, who was chewing his gum and doesn't move a little as I did.

"Are you coming?" His gaze went from the phone to me, a head shake was evident. "I'll wait here for Zack." "Maybe we should wait." Quinn wanted to sit down as Dylan put his foot all over the seat and smiled at her.

"You're cheeky." "And you're annoying." My eyes went to Quinn, "You guys are really weird." I rolled my eyes. I was about to pull 10 dollars out of my pocket to pay for my meal when Dylan stopped me. "I'll pay, it's fine."

I smiled at him. "Then have fun on your date." He looked at me slightly disgusted and said goodbye to both of us.

Quinn hooked my arm and pulled me to the car we parked at Five Guys. When we drove off so not to be late.

"Aurora, go to table five." I nodded, took paper and pen, and ran to the table where the customers were sitting. I took their order as the door of the restaurant opened, like it does every two minutes.

We still have tables, but that will change soon because new customers keep coming. In Boston, Quinn's uncle is well known as a chef. It even got into the newspaper once.

I didn't read it, but he pinned the article to the bulletin board in the back, so I read it through.

He is truly called "One of the best chefs in Boston". I can't deny it, the best Gaeng I have ever eaten was here.

"Hey." I wanted to go back, but Zeth stopped me. "Hey." he hugged me. "What are you doing here?" I broke away from him.

"Before the party, Mason and some other friends were dying to eat." He jerked his thumb behind him at the crowd of Mason and two other boys, who were just talking loudly and laughing.

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