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~traitor by Olivia RodrigoARES

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~traitor by Olivia Rodrigo

I feel like my heart is skipping. I turn and see Aurora holding Ashley's upper arm. Her hair is open, and Ashley looks at the floor. There is nothing in her gaze, it's empty. No emotion, no twitch, no movement. Only cold looks that rest on me. I'm fucked.

She looks at Ashley. "And you want that? Catch it like it's your stupid animal." she looked at me. I hated the look she gives me. I get goosebumps that I haven't felt for a long time.

I saw her let go of Ashley and walk away. How she's getting smaller from the distance, which tears me apart more. I wanted to go to her, but Mason held me tight. "Leave it." "But..." "I told you not to do this shit." and he let go of me. With Zeth he went in the direction where Aurora was going.


"Wow, I thought she was going to jump on you, she looked so angry." "That wasn't angry anymore, she was broken. You did what we all did, you broke her at the moment, Ares." Ashley said and got up.

I broke Aurora. I wanted it, though. That's exactly what I wanted to do, to break her, why am I not happy then? Why am I feeling bad?

I feel weird, I'm disgusted with myself. I need to be able to do something. Something that makes her think that I didn't want any of this. It's like everything inside me is falling apart.

I ran from the two in the direction Mason and Zeth walked, in the hope that I might find anyone after all.

Not Zeth, not Mason, and not Aurora either.

I'm so stupid. I walked to the end of the aisle to arrive at the parking lots. I want to leave. No matter where Aurora is and no matter what Mason said, I'm going to fix it. Somehow.


I drove to Aurora's house for the second time in the hope that she would be there now. I walked quietly to her window where her room was.

The light was off, but I could see her. She lay face down on her bed. She moved, but it was more like she was crying. Her hand clenched into a fist as she caught her cover in it.

This sight hurts me more than I thought. When a girl cries it's the one thing that needs to trigger something in you, but when I look at her, I want to do whatever I have to stop her cry.

I'm the reason for all this, and I'm not exactly going to make it much better, but maybe I can. I grabbed the end of the window, it was open, as I pulled it up Aurora winced and looked at me.

"What the hell are you doing here?" she ran angrily to the window. She grabbed the end and was about to close it when I put my hands there so that my fingers get injured when it comes to it. She won't hurt me.

"Aurora, let me explain." "Take your fucking fingers off, or I swear Ares, these are fucking off." she's not really going to do it.

"Let me explain," she laughed sarcastically. "What do you want to explain that you told Kirian that you touch me so nicely? How horny I was for you? Come on, how was our sex, how was I?" Her words purr in my throat, I can hardly say anything.

"I know you don't like me, neither do I, but you tear your snout over me like I'm a slut. A slut who can't get enough of your miniature cock."

"I honestly believed you that you and I would get along somehow, so here's my confirmation. You and I will never be friends or anything."

"You cried about all of that. You cried about what I said. If it doesn't matter, why?"

"You're asking me why I'm crying? I've just thrown a thousand things you have done, and you're asking what those petty tears mean? They mean I was too naive to trust people like you, Mason and Zeth. Now put your damn fingers away and get off my property, or I'll call the police and this time you'll go to jail, not Kirian."

She slammed the window down in time, I pulled my fingers away. She stood at the window and just looked at me angrily when her eyebrow furrowed, and she turned.

She hates me so much.

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