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AURORA Saturday, 16th April~Renegade by Aaryan shah

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Saturday, 16th April
~Renegade by Aaryan shah


Answer your damn phone!

Stop looking at my messages without replying.

Let me explain anything!

Stop ignoring me.

And again he looked at the message without replying. I've been trying to reach him for days. I even emailed him, so he would notice me.

But how should I know that this thing would hurt him that much? I didn't even know that Ares likes me or whatever this supposed to be, I don't even know what with myself.

We've had two good days together for maybe almost a year that we've really spent together. It was good, and I have to say I liked it, but now it's just a mess again.

We are at the beginning, only that for him, it's the beginning. For me, it's already more than this stupid rival thing we were. I hate Ares because he's so stubborn, he won't talk to you and worse he ignores you, but on the other hand, I like him.

Ares, please reply.

I'm sorry


Again the message was seen. He immediately goes to our chat when I text him and does not answer. He doesn't even text back. Should I write him a letter now or what? I don't care if that's what he wants.

I am coming now.

If you don't want to talk, I won't care what about you!

Seen. I looked at the message. And for the first time, the three wobbly dots also appeared. He writes!

I looked at the screen as they disappeared again. Okay, that's enough, I'm going to this boy, and I'll give him what he needs.

"Mom, I'm going to Zeth's." I lied and put my shoes on. I walked out of the house right to Dylan's. He should be home. He's going to work soon too, so at least he can take me to Ares.

I walked the two houses further than I could finally get to Dylan's. I stood up straight and tried to cover the plaster I'm wearing because of Ares with my hair.

I knocked on the door, which then opened. "Aurora." Henry stood at the door. "Aren't you at a game with your friends? Dylan told me about it." he shook his head.

"Was canceled because some idiots fought. But what are you doing here?" He took a step to the side and let me in. "I wanted to go to Dylan." I partly lied. He's supposed to drive me, but I have to ask first.

"Dylan's in his room." I nodded and thanked Henry. I walked up the stairs to Dylan's room. Before I went in, I knocked on the door. "Yes."

I walked in and just saw Dylan put on his work uniform. "Aurora, what are you doing here?" he put on his shirt. "Can you drive me to Ares? The idiot ignores me, I want to go to him."

"Don't you think you should give him a little more time?" "I've all these days. I haven't even spoken to him or looked at him. That's enough." He shrugged his shoulders. "According to me. You know what you're doing." He grabbed his Just Rock cap and pulled it on.

Then we walked downstairs, Dylan and I said goodbye to Henry, and gone.

Dylan quickly dropped me off, and I was on my way upstairs to Ares Apartment. "Ares, open the door." I knocked on the door but of course, I didn't get a reaction, I was aware when I came here.

So I knocked again. "Open the door, Ares." But again nothing. I rolled my eyes. "If you don't open the door, I'll yell. And I swear all your neighbors will hear me." if they didn't do it a few days ago.

I heard no reaction, so I opened my mouth and yelled as the door opened, and I was pulled inside.

I was held at the door. Ares gave me a mad look and covered my mouth. I looked into his eyes. They were slightly red, and he had heavy circles under his eyes. I felt pangs of conscience.

"What the hell do you want? Can't you see that I don't want anything?" His voice was full of anger, no gentleness, he wasn't even quiet, he was yelling at me.

He looked from my eyes to the pavement, then he let go of me and walked inside. "I won't leave without a talk. I want to explain everything to you."

"Don't you understand that there is nothing to talk about? You slept with Mason, that's a fact. The explanation doesn't do anything." I can't turn back the time, and if I could, I would. I like Mason, but I like Ares more in one way. Mason is just a friend.

"You don't even know how to explain it." "I want you to understand. The fact that I even came here specifically to talk to you, should show you how important this shit is to me."

"Nobody asked you to come here. And I can tell you it doesn't change anything, what happened."

"I don't even understand why you're mad! We haven't been together, nor are we now." He laughs lightly, which doesn't feel right.

"That's my damn best friend, Aurora, not just a guy like Micheal or Link. It's Mason!"

"You know what! It is enough. If you don't want to understand, then please don't. Because Mason was there for me more than you were! He understood me. He was there for me."

"Octavia was there for me when I needed someone, should I fuck her too? Huh."

"I hate you. You're so... Damn it. I screwed up, okay, and I'm so fucking sorry. I don't like Mason, but I like you because that's just the way it is. And I won't put up with being labeled as a slut or whore. Then rot in your stubbornness, Asshole." I march to the door and slammed it.

I've had enough. Then he shouldn't talk to me anymore. I don't give a fuck. Should he go back to Scarlett and fuck her. I'm not going to mess around here. I will not and will not force him to listen to me.

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