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Saturday, 15th October ~ Slow down by Chase Atlantic ARES

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Saturday, 15th October
~ Slow down by Chase Atlantic

I was eating the pizza that Mason brought with him when he got home from school. "You know you have to go back to school?" I shrugged.

"Don't feel like it." I bit into the pizza again. "Don't want to go or see her?" what is he talking about? See her? Never. "I don't care about Aurora."

"I never said it was about Aurora." Mason looks at me. I rolled my eyes. "I don't care about her," I repeated myself, emphasizing that her, so Mason could get it in his cerebellum.

We are just waiting for Zeth who let waiting for himself. I don't want us to be late for the performance again because of him.

"Where is he?" I asked as I put another piece in my mouth and chewed. Mason looked up from his phone. "He'll be there in a few seconds... Wait.." and then we heard the lock open.

"Now he's here." I got up and took the box away to the garbage because it was empty now. "Finally, where have you been for so long?"

"With Colin." I rolled my eyes briefly. Zeth looked at his phone, a short time later he looked at me again.

"Aurora is asking how you are." he shook his phone when he had the chat open and picked up the phone.

She asked for me? What does she care about what I do? It's not like she showed any kind of interest when I helped her.

"What did she ask?" I still tried not to sound like I care, so they wouldn't get any stupid ideas. I don't want them to think that I'm thinking of her or some shit.

"Actually nothing. Mason texted me to tell you." He holds up the phone as Mason just laughed. I gave him a pissed look. Am I such a joke to him? Little bastard.

"Haha very funny, as if you didn't care someone was talking about you, and since when do you do what Mason tells you?" I looked at Zeth who sat down on the couch.

"He offered me 20 dollars." He shrugged. I rolled my eyes when I saw Mason pull it out of his wallet and put it in Zeth's hand 20 dollar. "Why you have already more than him?"

"Easy thing. Then he has less." Zeth has really outgrown himself. He doesn't talk like he used to. He's like it's grown in terms of the language, the way of speaking.

"Don't we have to go?" Mason asked and pulled on the joint he had finished rolling. Zeth looked at his phone. "Yeah, it would be better to go."

I nodded, picked up my guitar to check the songs and the sound again.


The performance was over, finally we could sit down. My fingers are starting to hurt from all the encores we've been doing.

"Hey beauty, can you do me a favor and bring us three beers?" Mason said to the waitress who just passed us. "I need the ID. You don't look like 21 to me."

"We hear that a lot." It came from me while I got out my fake ID and put it on the table. She looked at mine and then at the other two as she nodded. "Coming right away."

"Thank you," Zeth said quickly before she left. "So, when are you coming back to school?" Zeth came back with that shit that Mason said to me.

"If I feel like it." I shrugged my shoulders. I played with a lighter in my hand, which I looked at.

I don't feel like going back to school, so I have to look at her Aurora just like that bastard Kirian just a touch closer to me.

The fact is that I have helped Aurora and to this day not even a small thank you, a text, nothing. Not a shred of respect or decency has this girl. I rolled my eyes inwardly.

"Aurora still has the recording on her phone." spat out Mason. Why? Why does she still have this video on your phone?

"I thought her phone is broken," I said. Zeth shook his head. "The screen is completely shattered, but you can use it, and she doesn't want to buy a new one because phones are way too expensive."

I can agree with her. Some phones now cost more than my entire rent for my apartment. The three of us kept talking about irrelevant performances and more songs, which is why Zeth sometimes wrote on the small pad.

"How about the word another?" Zeth gave Mason a weird look. Just like me. "How should another fit into the song?"

"I don't know it was an idea, you wrote the lyrics." the dark-haired boy justified himself.

I rolled my eyes. Another? I really thought about the word more than my future plans when the idea popped into my head. How could I look at others when our love is still there.

"How could I look at others when our love still is there." I slapped my hand lightly on the table with a smile.

"That's very good." "Not that you write heartbreak songs now." Mason broke the mood with his stupid jokes again.

"Ares puts his heartbreak on paper." I turned my gaze to the side when I saw Kirian. He had band Aid on his face and to be honest he'll get another band-Aid if he keeps annoying me.

"Of course, how stupid can I be. I'm out of the way, and you can come in now, but it looks like she dumped you a long time ago."

I'm not going to make a hypocrite here. This idiot will see. "Who said she rejected me? Oh, Kirian Aurora fell for me long ago."

I get confused looks from every side, mostly from Mason and Zeth. But I carried on with the show.

"Her bed is really small for the two of us, but we made sure it worked anyway. The view of her from below is great." Mason lightly kicked me to stop talking about Aurora like me and she did something yesterday, but I don't care. Let Kirian think that Aurora fell for me so quickly that she couldn't even stop saying my name.

"And the blowjobs she gives. Bad for you. But the best part was hearing my name every time I rammed into her harder. She was really loud."

"Then congratulations, see how she'll be when she finds out how you're talking about her. I wouldn't be so happy." Kirian left again as the two guys next to me exploded. "You're the dumbest person I've ever seen. What if he walks up to her and tells her?"

"He not gonna do that. Aurora is already staying away from him after what happened."

"Oh okay. But what about the fact that you never dated her? She'll freak out and hate you so much that she'll stop you from having kids by cutting your dick off."

They overreact. It's just going to get her before any of these gets out, I'm going to get Aurora to sleep with me.

"Before it rumors around, I'll get her in bed somehow." Zeth laughed, as did Mason.

"You're really stupid if you think that, Ares."

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