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AURORA ~ Travis Scott - Goosebumps feat

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~ Travis Scott - Goosebumps feat. Chase Atlantic

I was just on my way to the sports field alone because unfortunately I was dialed into PE, and Quinn was dialed into art. Who the hell made that choice, to choose the person whose only sport is getting from the bed to the cupboard, into PE?

But now I have to let it go around me. I walk over when someone called my name. I stopped and turned around to see Dylan come at me on his skateboard and do a trick to catch it, to walk with me.

"So you're also in PE?" He nodded with a smile. "Unfortunately, I was dialed in because there was no more space in Spanish and I submitted the form too late."

"Let's just go to the nurse and get an apology because we hurt ourselves." I want to turn around again, but Dylan grabs my backpack, which quickly brings me to a standstill.

"You won't fail sports again." He said, and I turned back with an angry expression. "I've got A's everywhere and an E in sport, I can make up for that."

He shook his head. "That's the last year. I won't let you ruin your chances of not getting into college because of sport." It's sweet of Dylan to take care of me like he's my big brother.

It's been happening since day one as a freshman. I was being chased by three different kids because for some reason they wanted to do something to me. I got scared and ran away as fast as I could, I think that was the hardest thing I've ever had to do.

Having to run when you know you're at your limit, but I didn't want to risk the kids getting me, so I kept running when I ran into Dylan.

I had just turned around and was looking at my pursuer just as he was skating with Zack, even though it was forbidden there as it was the school parking lot.

I fell briefly as I looked back in panic and my pursuers drew closer. I got up quickly. They got closer to me as Dylan, who was two heads taller than me then, stood in front of me, holding the skateboard with his left hand and looking down at the people I didn't even know or know what they wanted.

"You dwarves think you're cool if you chase people and start panicking, huh?" he sounded angry, sounding like my mom when she's yelling at me and is angry because I failed all my classes.

It gives me goosebumps to this day, the voice so angry, intimidating the person who was chasing me to do something five minutes ago.

"If I ever see you around her again, I promise my skateboard won't land on the ground but your faces." The three kids nodded.

I found it weird that a boy would say he hits a girl. My father always said that a good man never hits his wife or a girl. That's why I thought badly of Dylan. I thought he wasn't a real man like my dad said because he just threatened to hit the girls with a skateboard if they ran after me again.

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