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AURORA Sunday, 29th May~I feel like I'm drowning by two feet

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Sunday, 29th May
~I feel like I'm drowning by two feet

"Could I have another water please?" asked the man at the table I was serving. I nodded with a smile and went to the back. "Hayden, can you get me some cold water?" I stood at the small window where I saw the assistant cook.

"With or without sparkling?" "Without." Hayden was on his way to the fridge to get a large bottle of cold water and put it in a glass.

He handed it to me through the window. I went back to the front and took it to the customer. He thanked me, I nodded with a smile, and just as I was about to leave I bumped into a person.

The tray almost fell out of my hand as the person held it tight, and I found my balance. I looked up and saw Ares standing with a smile.

"What are you doing here?" Ares held out the tray to me, which I picked up. "How long do you need to work?" I raised an eyebrow but looked at the clock. "Um, in two hours I'm off, why?" I turned back to him.

"Well, then I'll pick you up." That's why he came here? To tell me that he'll pick me up? He has my number. "That's why you..." he didn't let me finish. Ares kissed my temple and walked out of the restaurant.

I looked at the door, but he was really gone. What was that? Couldn't he text me that? And why did he come here? I really have no idea and what he's up to now.

I went to work to spend the next two hours of my life thinking about what Ares wanted here.


After two hours of racking my brain, I walked out the back door of the restaurant and, as he said, I saw Ares leaning against the car while he smoked a cigarette.

I walk to him exhausted when he noticed me he threw it to the ground and crushed it. "Can you tell me what you're up to?" He put his hands around me and kissed me lightly. "No, now get in." I rolled my eyes and sauntered over to the passenger seat.

Ares also got in and started the car as he drives away. "I really don't know what the whole thing is about." I leaned back against the seat. "You'll understand." he put his hand on my thigh and stroked it up and down.

"Ares, please don't do anything. I'm done. Tomorrow is school and the only thing I want is to sleep in my bed." Ares squeezes my thigh lightly and attractively steers the car with his left hand.

"Then lie down, I'll wake you up when we get there." I looked at him skeptically for a moment, but I can't be told five times to rest, so I closed my eyes and turned my head to the window.

I breathed out. The feeling of safety and security spreads through me. The hand of Ares won't let go of me. It's so beautiful. I can feel how tired I am, and my body is getting heavier until I fall asleep.

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