𝑠𝑖𝑥𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑛 | 𝐷𝑜𝑛'𝑡 𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑦 𝑠𝑡𝑢𝑝𝑖𝑑

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"Hey." I looked to the side, and suddenly could see Zeth and Mason looking at us. "Zeth." Max jumped up and wrapped his arms around him. He put his hand on his back and patted it.

"Hi. What are you doing here?" Stupid question. "The same thing you're doing here," replies Mason. "Do you want to come to us? We have a seat in the front and a better view on our team." I shifted my gaze to Kirian who was still sitting next to me.

"Ahm, the problem is..." "Let's sit there A," Max asked as he turned to me. "But we can't just leave people here, that's unfriendly." "He can come with us."

"The spot fit only four people," Mason said. What's actually going on here? It's not like it's disrespectful that you come here and just leave Kirian alone.

"Then I'll stay here. You can take Max. He likes the game more than me anyway." "Okay." Max shrugged.

"You can go. You have to take care of Max." "But it sucks to leave you here alone." What a person would I be if I leave people alone like that. We had a conversation two minutes ago, and it was really nice to bring back all the memories.

Although on the one hand, there is something different about him. He's a lot more open than before. He often seeks those closer to my side. The arm around me, the move with the strand behind my ear. That doesn't suit the shy boy from the past who couldn't even look at a girl.

It's strange to see Kirian in such a way. I never had an eye on him, and I don't think that anything more than friendship could happens between us.

I'm way too deep into friendship hole, to ever see him as anyone else. Still, it's a pity because I want to hear more about the past and also the stories from Russia that he wanted to tell me.

"It's everything okay, my mother texts me that she's coming to pick me up. And we'll see each other tomorrow." I exhaled in desperation. "Okay. But drive carefully." he nodded to me and stood up.

I noticed Zeth and Mason look up to Kirian. They didn't look at him kindly. What's going on here? Really, am I here in a kindergarten?

When Kirian said goodbye to me and Max, he went up the stairs. "What was that?" Mason shrugged his shoulders and crossed his arms in front of his chest. "I don't know what you mean."

"I mean all of this. Don't play stupid. That was so unfriendly." "One day you will thank us." Huh? "How am I understanding that?"

"Stop arguing. The game goes on, let's go to the seat." Zeth nodded to Max and I got up to go to this oh-so-special seat that is only suitable for four people.

When I sat down and looked, I could see exactly that more than four people could sit there. I don't know what the mission of the whole theater was, but I also think Mason or Zeth was involved.

Or is it? Kirian just gave me a nice look. It's like they couldn't stand him. I even say that about Zeth who is actually an angel on this planet.

I can hardly imagine saying or thinking that Zeth hates or dislikes someone. He may have his favorite, but immediately dislike it? No. But that's what it looked like right now.

Mason had that cold look that easily shows arrogance. But when Kirian got up and walked between him and Zeth, he followed him with his eyes the longest.

They looked darker than they do now. Possibly because he was watching Kirian there, and he hasn't been here for an hour.

That's why I'm sitting here and bored to death in the hope that the game will finally end soon. Often I just look at my phone and read my book. But because of the noisy atmosphere here, I can't enjoy it either.

So I look at the game where Ares just owns the ball. I didn't even know he could play that well.

I had a premonition that he was on the basketball team, but not that he could be one of the best players. Link is just average like the rest, but Ares almost always wins the ball and hits it in the basket from afar.

I'd be lying if I said this action isn't attractive, because I have to admit it's attractive even from a person like Ares.

He often looks over at us, shouldn't he be concentrating on his game? In the beginning, he was, even so, unfocused that he even want to take a few minutes to break in the game. Then he went to the grandstand.

I don't know to whom because Kirian immediately started talking to me again. But that's weird. Ares wants a time-out, goes to the grandstand and not even a few minutes later Zeth and Mason come to us.

I nudge Mason with my elbows. He looked at me. "Are you invited to us because Ares wanted to?" I don't have much hope of getting an exact answer from Mason.

Ares is like a brother to him. He would never betray him no matter the situation. "Why would he want it?" "I don't know, tell me, Mason. Why would Ares want Kirian gone."

He knows that I don't say any kind of shit, but there is a touch of truth in my statement. "I don't know what you're talking about. We saw you and wanted to offer you and Max a better place."

"Interpret anything you want in my statement. But the truth is we just wanted to be friendly." And like I thought, he won't tell me anything I want.

After another half hour, the decisive basket was thrown, which was from Ares. The stopwatch started a loud noise in the hall, my entire school, jumped up and cheered with victory.

GUEST   |13:54|   HOME

We really nailed them. The guys on the team all pounced on Ares and cheered him on. "So Max, the game is over, can we go now?"

Max looked at me and nodded. God, thank you. "Would you like me to drive you?" I looked at Zeth. "If you don't mind." I shrugged. "Not at all. But we still have to wait for Ares, I'll drive him too." That means waiting even longer.

I already sat down, so I can wait hours for the idiot. But he came to us immediately. "Come on." He pulled his bag out behind Mason, which had been lying there the whole time.

Doesn't he want to take a shower? Or wear new things? I mean, he runs really much. "You were so cool." Max gave him a fist bump, and for the first time in my life, I saw Ares real smile.

"Thank you, buddy." wow, even a thank you. If he could be so nice to me, he would be a lot more likable. His gaze fell on me. The smile didn't disappear. His eyes held me tight.

"Shall we go?" I asked in the group, where Zeth nodded. I took Max's hand and walked behind Zeth who was talking to Mason and Ares. I just want to go home.

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