𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑟𝑡𝑦-𝑡ℎ𝑟𝑒𝑒 | 𝑆ℎ𝑢𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑓𝑢𝑐𝑘 𝑢𝑝

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Saturday, 5th November

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Saturday, 5th November

I was just packing my bag for this stupid sports festival I was forced to go to. I don't want to go there. Everything will be full of screaming people who have to cheer each other because you're on the team.

I hate this pressure, I hate running, and I hate sports. I put a jacket on in case I'm freezing with the things Quinn gave me. I closed my bags and slung them over my shoulder.

On the way out of the room, I looked at myself in the mirror again. I look like an idiot. The tight sports leggings show my legs and ass in too much detail. Plus the black shoes. As well, the hair I have is in a low ponytail, so I can wear a cap.

The shit is so tight. I walk into the living room, where my mother and Max were just putting on a jacket. "Mom, you really don't have to go." If she goes, I have to join in. On the other hand, I could try to hide in the bathroom.

"No. It's becoming a tradition to go there." "The shit will be over next year," I mumbled under my nose, so my mother wouldn't hear.

The doorbell rang as I walked over and opened it. "Go Aurora." Quinn raised her arms like a cheerleader. "I hate you."

She likes to put me down on this damn topic. "Quinn dear come in it's cold outside." She walked in and hugged my mom as I closed the door.

"It's cold and I should do PE? That's cheeky and child-damaging." "Exactly, you're exercising to keep yourself warm. So stop griping now." my mother admonished me.

"It will be okay. You can manage it somehow." Theo pat my shoulder. If only he were right. I'd rather embarrass myself there. I smiled at him with a fake smile. "I'll go and start the car."

He gave me another smile as Theo disappeared, swinging the car keys in his fingers.

"Max, go to dad, we'll be right there." He nodded and ran out the door like Theo before. "And you." my mother pointed and came to me. "Stop stressing yourself. It's not the first time you're doing it." That's why I hate sports.

"I know you'll do your best. Even if you fall or are the last. I... I mean we. We will cheer you on like you're the best, and you will be the best out of all." She brushed aside my little baby hairs, which I cut when I was little because they annoyed me.

"You should style them," Quinn informed me, noticing the hair. "Thanks, mom." I smiled at her. "I'll take the bag, go do your hair. Quinn dear will you help her?" she nodded, immediately we went upstairs after I handed her the bag.


"Put that away," I warned Max, who was playing with the camera he took with him. "No. I'll take pictures of you." "You wretch." I pulled it out of his hand.

Max got mad and wanted to come for me when I smiled and ran away with the camera in my hand because max's legs weren't long enough to really exert myself. "Give that back, witch."

"Aurora, give it back to him." I don't even think about it. He'll catch me at a bad moment, then use those pictures as blackmail or some shit.

I kept walking as I look back and saw Max further behind me. Then I ran into someone just as I was looking ahead again. "Be careful bitch." I looked at Ashley, who was standing in a group with her friends.

"It was an accident, calm down." "You think you can do everything you want huh? You're nothing better." here we go again. "I've always been better than you. I will always be." I looked at her arrogantly. She should see who is above her. She can't do anything with me anymore.

The camera I was holding was suddenly gone. I looked to the side and saw Max standing next to me. "Haha. You're not taking it now."

"Your brother or what?" I rolled my eyes and looked at Ashley, who was bending over to Max's eye level. "You know you have a total shitty sister?" that's enough.

I grabbed her by the collar of the jacket, so she now looks me in the eyes. "If you have a problem with me, I don't give a fuck, but you keep my brother out of it. Got it, bitch." She looked at me wide-eyed. The friends behind her panicked.

She really thinks I'd get my hands dirty on her. Please. She is not worth it. "Let her go. You're crazy." I heard someone next to me say, but I didn't.

"A Please don't do that. She's just mean, okay. Come on." Max pulled on my jacket. "Stay away." I push her off and let her go. Then I walk away with Max.

"No word to mom." "You almost hit her." "That's why you shouldn't tell Mom."

"That was cool. I have a sister that everyone is afraid of." He's happy? Although, he just looked scared and asked me to leave.

"There you are." We joined the others at the grandstand. I placed my bag right under Quinn's feet. "Ready?" she looked up at me. "I guess I have to."

One person started to speak and everyone took the attention. "Welcome to this year's competitions Class Sports Festival, where classes will compete against each other in various sports activities. Which Mr. Kalvis will now explain to us."

I really can't listen to that shit anymore. I told the others that I was going to my group, so I set off.

My hands were in my jacket pocket as I listened to the activity when I walked forward to where I was supposed to be placed.

"Climbing, strength sports, endurance, perseverance and then at the end parkour. "Actually, I just have to convince everyone that I'm only going to the parkour. Everyone gets assigned one thing. I'm completely out of endurance. It will definitely be running or swimming. No, I'm definitely not doing that.

"There you are." Zeth hugged me briefly. "Yes, unfortunately." I put my hands back in my pocket. I look around and everyone was there. Zack, Zeth, Ares, and Ashley also talk to each other.

I looked at her as Ashley whispered some shit in Are's ear. He didn't look interested, though. Rather bored. His gaze wanders to me. A smile formed on his lips.

I quickly looked away to the side and did not pay attention anymore. I still can't forget the almost kiss, or rather the reason for the whole thing. I'm embarrassed to look at him.

I preferred to get involved in the conversation with Zack and Zeth who are already doing the line-up. "I will make strength sports. You climb." Zack pointed at Zeth who nodded.

"You want something specific, Mitchell?" "Parkour." "Okay, then Ares gets endurance and Ashley gets perseverance. It's always just acrobatics." Not for me.

"Rude starting without us." Ashley and Ares walked into the conversation, her arm wrapped around his. "Well, you've been busy with Ares. Don't you want to do a quick round in the corner?" I snapped at her.

"Jealous that he's gonna be on his knees in front of me?" I laughed ironically. "I do not need something like this. I have a man guy which would like to do that." I push her back slightly on the forehead with two fingers.

She yells at me when I laughed cheekily in her face. Ashley started to walk towards me when Ares took her and Zeth and Zack pulled me towards him. "You slut."

"Shut the fuck up." I and Ashley both looked at Ares, who now raised his voice. "Don't call her that." he pulled himself out of her grasp.

"But she provoked me first." "I don't care."

Wow, Ares Hall protects me from Ashley, Max should take a picture of this.

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