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AURORA Wednesday, 12th January ~You don't own me by Grace (No Rap)

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Wednesday, 12th January
~You don't own me by Grace (No Rap)

We were at the museum Mr. Bennett wanted to go to. It's 100.4 °F outside, I can't stand it that well. Why did Mr. Bennett want to go to a museum on our penultimate day, it's not that interesting.

You see stone figures with faces, which don't look very nice. Scarier because they look like someone pulling the eye and mouth out.

Masks I think they get called tikis are here too. When I was a kid, I used to hear stories from my grandma, and they weren't good ones about these little critters.

They have such strange masks on, sharp barriers and are still so strangely small that nobody wants to be chased by them.

Imagine waking up and seeing something like this standing next to your bed. I would die. Except for this stuff, they have ships attached with a rope to make them float, and bones from a dinosaur.

But whether they aren't real. Something like that might not be properly exhibited for security reasons, I mean, if a small child comes and grabs his finger, it's gone.

I bet he would make a chain out of it and proudly show it to all his friends. "Did the mask fascinate you so much?" I looked from the scary face to the other, who apparently also decided to talk to me.

"No, but you can't do anything else in the museum than look." It came from me quite coldly. I'm still mad at Ares. It wasn't long ago that he sent me a message to get me out of my beautiful bed, so I would see Ashley walking out of his room half-naked two hours later.

I didn't see her at all today. How does she feel after all the things I've said? I hope badly. I don't wish her the bad luck in the world or the worst, but what can I say? She deserves to taste what she always gave me.

She didn't learn anything from the whole pool thing when Quinn pushed her inside. She was even stubborn as if I really would fight so hard for this idiot next to me.

I don't even look at him with my ass, what am I supposed to do with him? He's no use to me, and I'm not interested.

"Did something happen?" "I have no idea, did something happen Ares?" I repeated his word full of sarcasm. Does he seriously want me to tell him what he's done? Doesn't he even see his own mistakes?

"I really don't know what your problem is, so leave that dumb attitude what you have and talk." I'm not going to tell him his mistakes! Let him figure out what he did wrong himself, if that even bothers him, all day long. It didn't seem like it would yesterday.

I walked away from him to Mason, who is being explained by Zeth why this spooky stone statue makes sense and is unique.

"Hi." I leaned on Mason's shoulder before hearing Zeth's brief explanation. Mason's arms are crossed in front of his chest. The gum he's barely mixed with his nice-smelling aftershave.

"Kaneikokala represents a shark deity. It appears to be a rock slab in pretty much natural form, with limited pecking to accentuate features of the deity. It was probably originally erected in a productive fishing site or by fishponds as an entreaty to the shark spirit." Zeth said slyly.

"Why do you put something like that in the water? The fish getting scared of." Mason's voice sounded rough. I agree with him, but I'm quiet because Zeth Mason explains something again, so he understands the stone monster.

"Mr. Bennett will let us go in a moment," Quinn informed us and approached the three of us with Ares. I raised my head and looked at the two. Since when are these two talking to each other?

"Shall we do something after that? I saw a club on the way here, so we could sneak in somehow." "Sounds good." Mason agreed. Ares surprisingly too, surely Ashley had enough of him yesterday.

"I don't know, do we really want to use the time for this?" Zeth scratched the back of his head. I turned to him. "Come on, this is our last night on the island, we have to go back in the next days."

I hope he and Quinn agree more like Zeth since Quinn takes place anyway, as are Zack and Dylan who wouldn't turn down a party. I would invite Neyla too, but what happened between her and Zack is too early to invite them both to one place.

She has to process that, she showed me this morning when I was checking how she was doing. Totally wept and without strength.

Who can blame her? You've been in a relationship for three years, and then the idiot suddenly decides to put his dick in someone else? I think when you're no longer attracted to the person, or they don't interest you anymore, just break up.

Although she still feels the same way as on the first day, she thinks she is not good enough for the person, which the other person should think.

"All right, but let's not go too long. As you say, we're flying in two days." I nodded immediately, and it was already clear where we would be in a few hours.

How do you think they celebrate here? I hope well because my mother isn't here, and I won't hold back.


I was just dancing in the middle of the crowd in the club, I haven't felt so good for a long time. The alcohol is in my veins and flows like my blood. I'm drunk, but at the same time not, the cocktails are so good that the small amount of alcohol is enough to make me feel good.

Quinn just left me to go to the bathroom. Dylan and the others were at the bar, although he was watching my steps carefully, so nothing happened to me.

Someone gripped his hands on my waist as he swayed my hips back and forth. I started to scoot back so my back was pressed against his chest.

"Fuck, you're gorgeous." he starts to leave kisses down my neck. I turned around to meet eyes with the stranger. They are dark, I like them. I dance with him as a smirk appeared on my face.

I wrapped my hands around his neck and moved my hips to the beat of the song. His hands go down from my waist to my leg and up again, which also let my dress goes up a bit.

I went to his ear, "Why so reticent?" I whispered, running my right hand up to his dirty blond hair. My gaze slides over his shoulder to the bar. Right on Ares, who is propped up at the counter seat and has a glass in his hand.

The other is bent into a fist. When he's angry, a vein often comes out on his neck, and it's just visible. I don't know what the problem is. He had Ashley.

If he can have fun, so will I. I don't have to depend on him. I can do whatever I want and I will.

I smiled briefly at Ares as I turned to the guy and placed my lips on his. They moved in rhythm, but not so smoothly.

While kissing, I often looked sideways at Ares. He looks angry, which I like even more. Should he feel the same way I feel when I saw Ashley.

He thinks he can tease me, make fun of me? I'm not a tart to be made fun of. I ran through the guy's hair.

Gripping my waist tighter. At least he knows how to grab. I parted my lips slightly and went into his mouth with my tongue, which of course he allowed.

I caught Ares staring with my open eye, angrily he got up and walked out.

Your own medicine tastes bitter, doesn't it, Ares?

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