𝑠𝑖𝑥𝑡𝑦-𝑠𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑛 | 𝐼 𝑤𝑎𝑛𝑡 𝑦𝑜𝑢

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Ares looked at me with wide eyes. "Please," I begged him to let me in. If I left earlier from this date with link, I would have left at 3 p.m. and wouldn't have run doing a storm.

"Come in." He opened the door for me, which I accepted immediately. I walked in, shivering from the rainwater. I was only wearing a shirt today. I'm freezing.

"Do you want to take a shower? I can give you clothes out." I nodded softly. Ares showed me where the bathroom is. On the way there, I saw the overturned table and the broken glass on the floor. What happened here?

I just walked to the bathroom, take quickly a shower, and came out. Ares gave me a sweater from him and a pair of jogging pants, which are both way too big for me. I sat down on his couch.

"Here. I hope black tea is okay." He handed me the cup and I nodded. "Thank you." he took another candle, and lit it and a thin blanket.

"We've had a power outage, the apartment isn't the newest." That doesn't bother me at all. I mean, the candle helps, and it's not that bad. The storm isn't too bad, either. Just the coldness bothers me. "Wait." he puts the blanket on my legs.

I smiled lightly at him. "Thank you." His gaze never left mine. He looks even more beautiful in candlelight. How can I even be like that? I wanted to stop liking Ares. I wanted to focus on Link. Now? Now I only see Ares.

"Why was the table on the floor? And the shards?" I asked to distract myself because there is no electricity to watch TV anyway.

"Nothing serious. I got mad." "You weren't even that mad at me. What happened?" Ares smiled slightly. "Is it that important?" I shrugged.

"Is it important to you? You have to ask yourself the question. But if you don't want to say it, that's okay. I was high, telling you things about me. Otherwise, you wouldn't know." he grinned.

He turned sideways and rested one of his arms around the seatback. Now I only see the right half of the face illuminated.

"I've been living alone since I was 17. First I stayed with Mason, then I found this apartment." "And your parents? Are they dead?" I can really curse myself for just asking it like that. You don't just ask someone about this topic. Ares noticed that I got uncomfortable and just started talking.

"No, they are not. My father left me and my mother when I was 14 for a woman in Texas." I saw him tense. I laid my head on the seat back and looked at Ares.

"Tell me more. I want to know." I said softly. "Like you care about a snotty boy's childhood."

"I do. More than I should." I admitted. I want to know about Ares's past. I mean, he knows mine. And that he's been living here alone for almost a full two years surprises me too. But now it all makes sense. The illegal car races, the band, that's because he has to pay for everything himself.

"My mother relapsed after separating from my father. She took drugs and found a boyfriend who was a dealer..." I notice Ares getting more restless and breathing heavier than he should.

"You don't have to continue if you don't want to." I put my hand on his and ran my thumb over it. "The boyfriend hit me. Brutally. I told my mother that she needs to decide. Between me and him. Of course, I thought she would take me. I'm her son that she should love. But she told me to pack my thing. I stayed with Mason for a few weeks."

I'm shocked. How can a mother choose a guy who's definitely bad for her over her own child? How can she even allow the boyfriend to abuse her kid?

How can a mother let him be treated like that? A man who came into your life makes you dependent on throwing your son out on the street. What if Mason wasn't there? What if he didn't have anyone?

Ares wouldn't be where he is. He would starve, trying to stay alive. "Your mother is the worst. With all due respect. But your parents don't deserve to be parents. No matter how nice they used to be."

I hope he doesn't bother about my opinion. But it's true, whether the father or the mother shows up at the door, it doesn't make anything good what they did to a boy who only wanted love from his parents in his life.

"For once, I agree with you. They sucked on the job of being parents." He smiled. "You know why I don't get along with Ashley? Because she slept with Ben. That's why I hated her. I caught them." his eyes widen. I mean It looks like we telling our fucked up past so...

"That's how It looks. But we've both experienced something, haven't we?" he nodded. "But we're young, we will experience things that are perhaps worse than what we have already experienced. Life doesn't standstill. It keeps going. Things will happen to you that you cannot predict beforehand. You just have to deal with it." he said.

"What if you can't?" I took my hand away from his and placed my cup on the table behind the couch. I have to say, it's a pleasure to listen to Ares.

Mostly when he says those things. That rough voice that just hums. It's really calming, I could fall asleep. "You have to. Life is for surviving. But you decide how you live it. Your decision, influences, everything." "Even if you can be really annoying. You can be listened to very well." I looked into his eyes.

"Aurora?" "Yes?" I lifted my head and raised my eyebrow. But Ares said nothing. He did something. He put his hand on my hip and pulled me onto his lap.

My heart was pounding against my chest really hard. My eyes held his. It's what I didn't want. It shouldn't come to that, but it is, and I don't want to stop it.

Both of his hands went up and down my thighs and then my back. "My sweater suits you very well. You should borrow it." I smiled.

"I have my own that fit much better. It's huge." "Did you just call me fat?" I punched his chest. "No. Stop that shit. You won't get a compliment from me."

"Then you get one from me. You don't have to try to be perfect for everyone. You are perfect, perfect for me." Slowly but gently, Ares placed his lips on my neck.

I felt the tingling like the day we kissed for the first time. I closed my eyes and looked up. My hands settled on his chest while he pushed me to him.

My hips moved automatically. "I want you." He stopped and looked at me as he got closer to my lips. "No that's wrong." I got up, Ares followed me.

"You can see it, Aurora. Something is between us, and I'm not imagining it. We haven't been enemies for a long time. I want you and you me, so much that We can't stand to be in a room without looking for each other." I gasped.

"But you have Scarlett and I Link." "I hate cheating, I wouldn't do it either. But when I'm alone in this house with you, looking at you, and you're walking in my clothes, the only thing I do is think of ripping your clothes off and feel and hear your beautiful lips saying my name."

"You're dating Scarlett...And how do you know there can be a us? I would just be your new one that you just like Scarlett briefly. Don't lie to yourself." He said nothing more and went to his room. I stood there and said absolutely nothing. I was shocked. I couldn't find the words.

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