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AURORA Monday, 24th January

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Monday, 24th January

I just eat my salad, which unfortunately was the last thing I had left. I've already eaten the other good thing, which in this case was a burger.

"Hey." Scarlett sat down at the table with me and Mason while the others weren't there. Quinn stayed home, Zeth and Dylan are doing a project about something, I don't know about what.

"Hey," I replied and put the green stuff in my mouth. "So tomorrow we have a gig in this bar, maybe you'll come," Mason spoke back on the subject we broached earlier, the band.

"I have to study." I hissed, disappointed, and looked at him to show my apologies. "You promised." "I didn't, I said I'll come when I find the time. I don't have that this week."

"What gig?" Scarlett chimed in. "Mason, Ares, and Zeth are in a band." When I explained that to her, Ares came to the table.

"I didn't even know you were in a band, you didn't tell me that on Saturday." Saturday? Why Saturday? Did they meet? Of course, they did because it was weekend.

What did they do together? Or rather why? "So you were out together?" asked Mason, who saved me from this question. "Yes, we were at a fountain. It was really nice." she makes Ares some beautiful eyes. Okay, what movie did I end up in? Is it that fountain where Ares put the dish soup in?

Is he taking her there? "Doesn't sound that spectacular." I shrugged, pretending the whole thing didn't bother me, but unfortunately it does, and even more than it should.

Ares looked at me briefly, a grin forming on his lips. God his lips. "Yes, it was cool, we also ate pizza and watched a film in the drive-in cinema." I look up. Drive-in cinema and pizza? Really?

"I hear better things than this." I sounded cold and arrogant. But that's nothing special. I can do that with anyone, even my mother.

"I thought it was great." I thought Scarlett was a smart girl. I told her what Ares was like. He's a wandering male whore who's probably made out with everyone around here. And yet she let take her on whatever they had. A date, A meetup, whatever.

"Mason I'll think about the gig, okay?" he nods at me, so I got up. I don't want to listen to the two of them how perfect it was on their date Saturday.

As they should, I don't care. I don't want something from Ares anyway. We decided that the kiss was nothing, I was scared, words were said, and it never happened again.

If he's happy, he should, I don't care. "Aurora." I turned around and saw Scarlett running towards me. "What's wrong?" I raised my eyebrow. "Nothing, the lesson starts soon," I explained my earlier disappearance. "Can I come with you?" "If you want to." I shrugged and started walking.

"Well, about the Ares thing, he's not at all like you described him, really." Is she serious? She just wanted to walk with me to tell me that, or what? She's really making a fool of herself, just like me, who is angry about the allegation.

"If you think you know what you're doing. I'm not your mother who will tell you that." She smiled. "Because of the gig I'm going, I've just asked Ares who would like to have me there." "Congratulations." I scoff coldly.

Does she seriously think she's won a prize? "Come on, I'm sure it'll be fun. Then we could get to know each other better." I really want to go to this gig if it weren't for the study thing.

I don't want to go for Ares or Scarlett. I'm skipping that show, but I'd like to see Zeth and Mason play, I've wanted to since we met and Zeth told me about the band.

"I'll think about it." "Cool." somehow the smile that I otherwise found so perfect on her lips looks so fake. As if she were only fooling me and pretending.


I finally got home, totally exhausted and also annoyed by all the babble from Scarlett about Ares. "Ares told me that. He's really cute. Ares likes this. Shut up." I put my pillow on my face.

How can you think of him that much? She's totally ridiculous. Worse than Ashley has ever been, and the worst part is Ares enjoys it wholeheartedly, loves it in fact. Such an idiot.

If he does want it, then he should do it quickly and easily like the others, he always does. Scarlett just imagines the exact another story.

Committed relationship and if she really is as dumb as I think she thinks it will be years till they get old and die together. I really feel sorry for her about that. I mean she fell right into the net and got tangled up, no, she doesn't even want to get out.

Then she babbles on to me what he likes and what he says as if that interests me. My phone vibrated. I sighed in irritation and turned to the side.

You looked pretty annoyed today.

Now he texts me too.

You must have overlooked something, I was fine.

I lie, but annoyed is too understated.

So it didn't bother you that Scarlett and I meet?

What does he think of me? We just kissed now should I have feelings? Pff, Because of that? He kisses everyone without feeling, why shouldn't I be able to?

You can also date her, have sex with her. It's her choice and yours. Get me out of this shit.

"this shit"

He repeated my words and went offline, how can you love yourself that much and think that everything revolves around you? He acts like he's the only man and everyone loves him.

I got up to finally grab something to eat. In this case, it was the food that my mother left for me before she went to work.

Spinach, asparagus, and lasagna. I was putting everything in the microwave when there was a knock on the door. If that is Ares, God has mercy.

I marched to the door and opened it. But it wasn't Ares. It was Quinn crying on my porch. "Hey, Quinn." My emotion changed from anger to sadness.

"Aurora, I really messed up." she cries.

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