𝑓𝑖𝑓𝑡𝑦-𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑒 | 𝑃𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑂𝑙𝑑𝑚𝑎𝑛

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"You don't look good at all. Do you want me to get you something to drink?" he asked kindly but also sarcastically because he know how shocked I am.

"What are you doing here?" Ares sat down at the table and smiled at me. "Well, I'm doing my internship. But I mean Aurora you could save the show, in the car." was he watching me? "You were watching me?" he ate my fries when Harper didn't understand anything.

"Don't watch, you just couldn't miss the way you sat on him and your lips..." I slapped my hand over his mouth. "Stop it. I'll be right back." I said to Harper and force Ares to stand up so the whole world doesn't see it.

It's my first day, and it's already the worst I've ever had. "It's hot when you're mad." I raised an eyebrow. "Are you kidding me? Why are you chasing me!"

"I'm not, smartass, that's called work." He pointed to his coat. "You're doing this on purpose."

"Not that either. It's a coincidence that we meet, I didn't know you were here because we haven't talked for days." He lay down on the one bed in the room where we were.

I kicked his shin. "You idiot." "Did you have to kick me!"

"I would do so much more than just kick you, Ares." I'm so mad. Does it really have to be?

Ares seeing all week? Also, like that? He will destroy me. "Well, I'm open to anything, I just have to close the door quickly." He was about to get up when I pushed him back onto the bed. "You don't do anything, you have Scarlett. I have Link. We have nothing. I'm going out there, and I'm going to have one of my best days. You're not going to spoil it for me." I said angrily pointing my finger at him.

"Why didn't I ever realize how hot you are when you're so angry at me." "Shut up and stop that shit." I rolled my eyes, hissed annoyed, and walked towards the door. He's kidding me. I mean seriously? There are thousands of hospitals in Boston, and he has to go right where I am?

What's his problem. He's got, Scarlett. What does he want to achieve with it then? In addition to this, constantly words he saying as if we were something else. I could really just go punch the wall or him right now.

I came back angry in the cafeteria. Harper was still at our table. When she saw me, she smiled at me or rather laughed.

"So that was Ares?" I nodded and sat down in frustration. "I have to say the things he said. In the car in front of the hospital." I really could kill Ares. Why was he even there? Or rather, the better question, how could he see us?

I was so sure that no one saw us. He can't say much, he did something with Scarlett in the one classroom. "Aurora?" I turned to the female voice of Araya and saw her coming toward us. "So you've had enough rest with Harper, but now we'll get to work. So get up." I grabbed my ID and put it back on and smiled at Harper as I walked to the station with Araya.

"Well, I have three assistant doctors that I have to take care of, today there will be four. Just stand to the side and listen, but if you know something, you can also get in touch." I agreed, and we got to the reception, where three assistant doctors were standing.

All three of them do something. "Let's go." said Araya, and immediately they walked after her like little dogs just waiting for their turn "Today we have something to do, first of all, we visit a new patient in our hospital who was admitted yesterday with a case. Unfortunately, we couldn't find out why she fell, and I have serious concerns that it's serious."

Araya gave the file to the first intern next to her, which in this case was the one boy.

"Ah, doctor Davis." I saw Harper standing next to Mr. Davis. Then four others and also Ares grinned at me.

"Doctor Zila?" Araya prompted the boy to read. "Patient Doris Oldman, 73 years old, admitted yesterday with a tragic fall and injury to the back of the head." "It wasn't that tragic." smiled the patient.

I knew the voice very well, I looked at her through the small group of people and indeed Doris, the woman from the plane, was in the hospital bed in front of me.

Araya took out her little light and ordered Doris to follow the light. "Mrs. Oldman, I'd like to have you here for a few more days to make sure the fall wasn't a serious trigger."

"Doctor, I've already told you I'm doing really well," Doris explained. "We believe you, but we only want the best for you," interjected Doctor Davis.

"So what could you do?" the interns said, thousands of options to check Doris got said from the assistant doctors. I raised my hand, I really don't know what I do, but she said I can participate. "Yes, Aurora?"

"I would do a magnetic resonance tomography. The fall could have been caused by many things, but our muscles and bodies work through our working brain, so maybe that's where the solution is." Everyone actually listened to me. Even impressed because Araya couldn't stop smiling with a proud look on me.

"Aurora is right. Jacob, please set up an MRT and Aurora, you look after Mrs. Oldman, bring her water, and always check the values, great job." She handed me the file, winked at me as she left, and everyone split up to do the tasks.

"Ares, stay with Ms. Oldman and Aurora, you can learn from her." Mr. Davis patted Ares's shoulder and left the room with everyone else.

"So we see each other again, you two." we looked at Doris. Ares put his hands in his coat pockets and smiled at Doris. "It looks like it, but I thought if we met, you wouldn't be here." he joked.

Doris laughed. I went to her. "Do you need anything? Do you feel pain somewhere?" I asked. But she shook her head. "Could you just get me a glass of water? My mouth is very dry." Of course, it's not the best job to get an old woman a glass of water, but I still do it because I really like Doris.

"Watch her. I'll be right back. If something happens, get help immediately. Okay?" I glared at Ares, so he could see how serious I was.

"Yes Sir."

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