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AURORA Monday, 25th July

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Monday, 25th July

I was on my way out to sit with the others during a break. I can't believe it, only the next few days, and it's over.

I go to college like Quinn and everyone else I know. We go our separate ways. Different states, different people.

All the years I spent with Quinn and Dylan now feel like just a small part of my life, with so many memories that can never be forgotten.

It makes me sad that it has to go like this. Everyone goes somewhere else. I'll be alone and need to meet new people, although Jade isn't even that bad when I first met her in my dorm.

And in California, people don't seem so bad. Of course, they are a lot more open. Lots of people were walking around on the street making music and also dancing.

Those who walked by joined in to have fun. Then there was John who is very kind and loving, the problem is that Ares is still on my mind.

I get sick just thinking about him telling me he loves me. After what he said to me at the party. How he treated me like I was shit.

I can't just forgive him like it was nothing just because he confesses his love to me? We're not in a movie where you just have to say you love me and I jump around your neck.

The fact is, Ares, hurt me a lot. I was like nothing, I felt like nothing. Dirty, used, and worn out. I was the one that disgusted me the most, he was the reason I didn't like myself anymore.

And now when I've finally learned that it's not my fault that a new me came without being afraid to hook up with a guy, and he leaves me like shit and takes advantage of me afterward.

It's just harder to trust someone after doing something like that. It's minimal, he deserved me leaving him tied to the bed.

I still can't forget the face. Full of shock, sadness, disappointment, but what is he thinking? That he comes how sooner says he loves me and I reflect the feelings? I have a mind and can use it again now, not like all those days he screwed me over.

I don't care if that was sincere or just to push me away, the fact is that he said it. From this person that I love and still do. But that'll be fine. I'll meet someone and I'll forget Ares.

I arrived at the table and sat down. The metal was a bit cold, but I quickly got used to it. "Aurora, after school, you go home and pack." I raised an eyebrow.

Why? "And for what reason?" Mason looked at Zeth. They smiled at each other without shame, then Mason went to his back pocket, and he threw something on the medal table with small holes.

I looked confused and picked up one of the many cards. I looked at it.

It was a ticket a plane ticket to Spain, Valencia. My eyes widen. "We are flying to Valencia today, all of us. The flight is at 11 p.m. so hurry home and get ready." That just comes out of Mason's mouth as if it were so easy to drop everything.

"I have to work." "No, I told my uncle that we're going," Quinn interjected. That's why Mr. Greco wished me a nice holiday, I thought he confused me with the chef who is going to his family in the UK.

"But I still have to let my mother know, she..." "She already knows," Dylan explained to me. Does everyone know, except for me? "No..." I was about to say that I can't, but Zeth came toward me.

"It'll be over in less than two weeks. We go our separate ways. This holiday is an opportunity to find beautiful moments." I looked from him to the ticket. Actually, he's right and Spain doesn't sound bad, does it?

"Okay." Quinn clapped her hands. I took the tickets and put mine in there. Then I handed them back to Mason. "We'll meet at the airport at 10 pm. Just outside the entrance." I nodded, the bell rang for the next lesson. We got up and walked to the classes. Fuck, I'm going to Spain.


When we got to the airport, Quinn and I were so hysterical and excited. We only talked about the beach, the food, the city itself, and the boys as well. Rather, Quinn kept her mouth shut, but she agreed with me with a nod, so Dylan wouldn't hear.

"Girl in bikini, how tempting." Dylan came next to us, immediately he got a death look from Quinn. "Excuse me?" "You can look at guys, but me not at some girls?" He heard it or rather saw it.

"You really think I do that? What do I have you, idiots, for? I would never look at another boy except for the one that is for her, you know her taste." Then she stuck out her tongue as a sign of bad.

"It's not that bad." But it is, and one of the worst suddenly goes next to Mason and Zeth. He comes along. It was clear that there had to be something. He's Zeth and Mason's friend, I can not change that.

"Hey." I heard him say softly to me. I only looked at him briefly, and then my gaze disappeared from him to the others. "Everyone's here, so we can go." I focused on Quinn and made Ares disappear. I'll not take my time away from him. I'll have fun and show him what he couldn't get.

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