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~ When I R.I.P. by Labrinth

I just got home. I unlocked the house and walked in when I called my mom, but she didn't answer.

"Mom?" again no response, not even from my mother's boyfriend Theo. So they must be at work.

I put the key on the closet which was in the hallway, under the mirror. Took off my shoes and put them aside as I walked towards my room.

I was exhausted because of the sport and still annoyed by this embarrassing and childish action by this idiot, but I'm glad to finally be home.

I dropped my backpack on the floor of my room and got on my bed. When I feel the soft mattress, I don't even want to go to this party. It starts in a few hours, but still, all the effort to get there and the choice of clothes.

Although it will be clear anyway that I'll just put on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. Not because "I'm special" or "I'm different from the others" or some kind of those girls, I would go in a dress but the only thing I had is in the laundry.

I could ask Quinn to give me one, though, even though she's wider at the waist than me. She has a better figure than me, curvy and slim. I'm just slim.

But I don't worry about that. My thoughts are more on the homework we have been given, I want to do them as quickly as I can, so I can learn before I go.

I want to get better and the motivation to see that as a goal is great, but the goal to become better than this guy is even greater. How dare he play with me like I'm a good joke to him?

I sat down at my desk as soon as I started studying.

I don't know how many hours have passed. I'm still sitting at my desk, although I've already finished my homework. Then when the doorbell rang.

I left the things and got up to open the door. "Hey, mom." I saw my mother coming in with her shopping, she smiled at me. I saw that she had a little trouble, so I took the bag from her.

"Thanks, darling." "No problem." I walk into the kitchen and placed them on the wooden counter. "And how was your first day of school?" she came in with letters in hand and opened them as I unpacked the groceries.

This one guy from my class is getting on my nerves!
He's such an Idiot!

But instead of those things, I just shrugged my shoulders and said, "It was okay."

She reads through the letters when her eyes widen because she once again had a bill that was too high. The problem with our family is that despite my job, my mother's job, and my mother's boyfriend, it's still not enough.

My father was a surgeon, yes, he also had a lot of money but with the savings, we couldn't stay afloat for long. We lived somewhere else in a great apartment where everyone had their room with a double bed, but we couldn't afford that after the time, so we moved here.

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