𝑓𝑖𝑓𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑛 | 𝑇𝑖𝑚𝑒-𝑜𝑢𝑡

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I was just walking into the hall with Link and Jeremy when the grandstands were full of people. Almost all the stairs were occupied and people were standing and leaning on the railings.

Actually, I don't feel like playing today. I got less sleep than usual. I couldn't sleep, all that shit went through my mind. How do Ashley and Aurora know each other?

Yeah, it's really none of my business, but I want to know why Ashley pushed Aurora into the pool. "Ready dude?" Jeremy clapped left on my back.

"I have to. Couch kills me otherwise if I miss this game." "That's right, you're just our ace in our sleeve." I rolled my eyes.

I looked around. Where is the captain? And I'm supposed to be irresponsible? "Where's Zack?" Link looks from the cheerleaders to me as I stretch slightly.

"By Aurora." He gestures with a small nod to the left side of the grandstand. I go through them all when I actually saw her standing there.

She has a black vest with gray sweatpants and a sweater on. Her hair is in a high ponytail. It suits her.

"She came to see me." Link winks at me. What kind of thoughts does the nut come up with? "She's here with her brother," informed us, Jeremy. "And you know that from where?"

"Zack should take care of him for a moment. He came because he wanted to introduce me to him. The little one is really honest for a thirteen-year-old. So fucking rude with his words." I looked in their direction and saw the little boy sitting next to Zack from afar.

He's wearing our school's cap. I knew that she had a brother, from Zeth. As far as I know, it's not even her real brother but just a half-brother.

"She looks really hot. Maybe I should talk to her after the game." Link voiced his thoughts, which he should rather keep to himself.

"Let it be." I straighten up. "Why? She seemed nice." Yeah, sure. Aurora and nice are the complete opposite. "She would push you away. It's pretty exhausting."

"Pff. Just because she dumped you, it doesn't mean she would dump me. You haven't even spoken to her properly. All you guys did is fighting." My jaw clenched. Link's laughter is the most annoying thing I've ever heard in this world.

"Shut up." I hissed and turned away from him to Zack, who had just come running to us. "Sorry guys. Now we can start." in the background spoke the two volunteers, which really signed up for such a speech before the game.

We stood in a circle as Zack again explained the plan to the team in a nutshell. I didn't pay much attention to it. I have a plan in mind. Pass to the best and run fast. Everyone can run fast, even us. Last year, things just didn't go the way we wanted, and I blame myself for it.

I just didn't show up. I wanted to, I never wanted it so much because we were close to winning the big game, but then this bastard boyfriend of my mother had to come in my way.

Just thinking about it makes me sick again. "Let's finish them." Zack clapped his hands once, and we all lifted our heads.

Everyone ran to their position, Zack was the center. I was the shooting guard and, to mention, I'm the best at shooting wide. You can flex with that okay.

I stood up and looked at the opponents, who were also slowly lining up. My gaze flitted back to Aurora. She was sitting with Max.

She didn't see me. Does she even know that I'm playing? That I see her? She rested her head on her hand. She doesn't seem, like be here at all. It bores her.

Then a guy strolled down the stairs and looked at her. What is he doing? She doesn't seem surprised, neither do I and Max, who looks up at him.

But doesn't care that much about him and looks at us again. Aurora gets up and literally jumps into the arms of the guys. What the fuck?

I straighten up. Why is she jumping in his arms? She breaks away from him, but they talk to each other. She even offers him a seat next to her, which of course he accepts.

What do they have to do with each other? Where do they know each other from? So many questions that I can't simply get answered. I glared at Zeth and Mason, which were just down on the grandstand.

They both looked at me. I point my head at Aurora, but all I got in response was a raised eyebrow and question mark-covered faces.

Rolling my eyes, they scurried back to Aurora and the guy who seemed really familiar to me, but I couldn't see him from afar like Aurora, who was more familiar to me than he was.

His arm went around her shoulder. She turned to him. Their faces were so close. So close than I ever thought Aurora could let. I took a step forward as she removed his arm, and just then the whistle blew.

"Ares Bro," Jeremy called out to me. I was back in the game. Zack captured the ball with a high jump and immediately started taking the offensive.

This idiot always has to get fucking points this way. I started moving quickly as I ran forward. Zack passed the ball to me. I dribbled the ball past my opponent.

Gathered momentum and jumped up with the corpse weight on my legs. When I hit the basket, immediate cheering could be heard. "That's our ace." Zack slapped my shoulder.

I was on the other half of the field. More precisely, where Aurora was. I ventured another look and I wish I hadn't because the person sitting next to her is Kirian Grimm.

Are you fucking kidding me? Is she hanging out with him now? They talk to each other as if they were something more. She's so smart, so why is she stupid enough to fall for someone like him.

I looked back at Zeth and Mason. They have to go to her. Otherwise, I could never concentrate here. Just thinking about her really sitting there with that bastard makes me sick.

Who is worse than I? Goes from one bed to the next. Sleeps with everyone, young and old. Everything that moves.

He has no respect for humans, least for women. He treats them as if they are nothing, just toys that he needs for his own pleasure. Maybe I'm not better when it comes to women and sex, but I'm way better than him.

I now pointed with my finger to the place where Aurora sits, but again only confused faces. I was walked back to my position. My eyes and concentration on the two.

They talk to each other. If it would only stay it that way. But I know how Kirian is, he's the last piece of shit. A rat that came out of the remaining garbage. He probably knows that Aurora isn't easy to get. She showed him that with the arm she took away. He sees it as a challenge for him.

He likes to be challenged. He's the type of man who thinks it's all just a game. Cat and mouse, but the stupid thing is that the cat is always shivering more than the mouse.

I could puke at the thought. The referee whistles again. The game begins, "Dude, focus!" Jeremy yelled at me as he ran past next to me. Shit, I'm paying too much attention to them.

But I can't take my eyes off him. He just got closer to her and strokes her strands of hair behind her ear. Okay, that's enough.

I pointed a T up at the referee with my hands. "Time-out for the Tigers." The referee whistled. I didn't even pay attention to the team, I jogged to the boys on the grandstand.

"What are you doing?" "You're listening to me now because you're both too stupid to understand. Aurora is there with Kirian. Take her away from there. It doesn't matter how." "Ares stops a whole damn game because of a girl. Interesting." Mason said, grinning at me.

"Shut up and do as I tell you." I ran to the team and tried to find an excuse. Ignoring the angry Coach. I watched Mason and Zeth stand up and walk to Aurora.

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