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AURORA Wednesday, 4th May

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Wednesday, 4th May

"So, today at your place?" Ares came to me when I walk to Dylan's car. "No, I have to bake cookies with Max for his class," I explained it to him.

"Buy some and problem solved." I shook my head. "I will not do this. My mother asked me to do it. Not today, okay? But we can talk on the phone." I suggested and stopped because our paths separate here.

"Are you going to moan through the phone?" I looked at him in disgust. "No, I won't, get that sort of thing out of your head immediately." he rolled his eyes. "I'll see you tomorrow then, fine?" I clenched my teeth and took a deep breath, as a disappointed sound come out.

"Not tomorrow either?" "I have to study. I mean really this time." "Hey, biology is important." "Let touching me from you is not learning." I rolled my eyes.

"You can hold it for the two days. Well, idiot, see you then." I patted his chest and walked to Dylan's car to go home.


"Do we need anything else?" Max asked me as he got out the sugar and flour. I looked at the sheet on which I wrote down the recipe and checked if we had everything on the kitchen island for the cookies.

"Yes, it seems so. Let's get started." I took the bowl in front of me, did my hair, and started to crack and mix the eggs.

The doorbell rang. "Max, can you open the door?" He got up from the stool and walked to the door. "Hey bro." I only heard because I couldn't see through the walls. "Max, who is that?" I looked at the eggs that are slowly getting fluffy, then at the entrance, Ares was standing in front of me.

"What are you doing here?" "He's helping us. Then we'll be finished faster." Max spoke instead of Ares. I rolled my eyes. Ares took off his jacket and was in front of me in a black t-shirt.

He washed his hands and said he would take over the mixer. I just let him. "Max, can you get me another pack of flour from the chamber, this one is almost empty." I pointed to the pack of flour. He nodded and went up to our chamber.

"What are you doing here?" I looked at Ares. "I'll help you." "For real? Or are you just here to have sex and leave when we're done."

"No, I'm not. I don't see you as a sex toy, and stop thinking like that." Yes, of course. Can't he just rest a day without being with me? As if it were that difficult.

"You're such an idiot." I took the flour and poured it into the other bowl to make the dough. Max came back, holding the flour in his hand.

"Here." I thanked him, poured the rest in, and took the new one. "Come on, I'll help you," said Ares when, he thought, I didn't get the one pack open. "I'll figure it out." I waved my hand in the air.

Max started to laugh, I looked at him first and then at Ares, who had flour on his face. I slapped my hand over my mouth and giggled. "Is that so funny?"

"That wasn't my intention." I laughed again. Ares took flour from the bowl and threw it in my face. I stopped laughing and gave him an angry look. I quickly took revenge and did the same. "This time it was on purpose."

"You'll regret it." He took flour in his hand, I quickly dropped everything and ran away.


I was totally covered in flour. There are white spots in my hair, as on my face. I turned on the water and first washed my hands.

Then I started to go through the stains in my hair, not too much to avoid clumps from contact with the water.

I heard the door in the background open, which is why I looked through the mirror at the person coming in from the strand of hair I had just slightly wetted with water.

It was Ares, which was full of flour as well. "Here is hardly any room," I reminded him because he absolutely came to wash the flour off. He closed the door behind him.

He slowly approached me and wrapped his arms around me. I raised my eyebrow and continued to look at him. I let go of the strand and put my hands on the sink.

"You look incredibly pretty, even with flour in your hair." I rolled my eyes, but couldn't help to hide the smile.

Ares smiled back at me and continued to look at me across the mirror while nuzzling my neck and placing small soft kisses on it.

I tilted my head slightly to the left and closed my eyes. "I love your scent." His hands, still wrapped around me, shifted their position. One stayed on my stomach, the other wandered slightly down to my thigh and between my legs.

I didn't say anything as I feel his long, warm fingers down the fabric of my jogging pants, right over my clitoris.

I bite my lower lip and narrowed my eyes. "Ares, we can't, Max is downstairs." My throat is further explored by his lips.

He went up to my ear as Ares then whispers in. "I'll do it quickly." His hand went into my pants and my thong.

"You're pretty wet for a person who says you can't do it." It was like a gift you didn't even know you wanted.

Ares made slight circular motions on my core and took me totally in control. I gripped the sink even tighter to resist the urge to moan.

Goosebumps cover my entire body, and I long for the touch of his mouth and fingers so badly that I moan softly.

He goes inside me with one finger and strokes my clit with his thumb at the same time. The feeling is so overwhelming, my head falls back on his shoulder.

Ares turns my face to his, and I gasp softly as he puts his lips on mine. Ares kisses and caresses me to the point of my climax, and even when I'm trembling in his arms, he doesn't stop hugging me to kiss and caress until the moment is all over.

He slowly pulls his hand out of my pants and dips his tongue deep between my lips one last time. Difficult I stand there, breathing, my hands clenched around the edge of the sink, as he kisses my shoulder again and walks out of the bathroom with a grin of pride like he just conquered the world.

I need a few minutes to get myself together again. I quickly brushed the rest of the flour out of my hair. After splashing some cold water on my face, I go back into the living room.

Ares sitting on the couch and watching TV. He moves aside to make some room for me, and I sat down next to him. The first time next to someone, I wrap my arms around him and place my head on his chest.

He didn't say anything, he just put his arm around me and stroked mine. I feel more comfortable with him than I should, and I think I'm slowly falling in love with Ares, really hard.

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