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AURORA Saturday, 12th February ~Falling by Harry Styles

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Saturday, 12th February
~Falling by Harry Styles

"I'm pregnant." Quinn cried into her hands. Never in our entire friendship have I seen Quinn cry so much.

She never really shows herself like that before. Never that hurt, but this is fucking serious. I didn't immediately ask who the father was. I didn't want to do that to her. I instantly took her in my arms.

Her shaking hands were wrapped around my body as if she is afraid I would let go. "I'm pregnant." Those damn words got me to where I am now.

To the clinic where Quinn wants to abort her child. I don't know how long it's been since she confessed everything to me. The child, the father, and that she is the girl Zack Neyla cheated with.

My leg is bouncing up and down, totally unconcentrated. How could it happen that I have to accompany my best friend to a clinic?

I'm worried about her. What will happen after that? What if she has damage afterward? Nobody knows it except for me, and it's killing me 'cause I don't know what to do.

Of course, I will support Quinn everywhere, whether she is having this child or having an abortion, her body decides that I won't influence her.

"Aurora Mitchell?" I put down the magazine I was holding and looked up. Quinn's doctor was at the door.

I immediately got up and walk toward her. "Did something happen? Is everything okay with her?" I asked in a panic. If something happens to Quinn, I can't forgive myself, absolutely never.

I felt the tears because I only see the worst in front of my eyes. "No, she just needs rest, but please stay here while Quinn is dizzy."

I exhaled the heavy air and nodded to the doctor. She opened the door wide for me to come in and closed it behind me.

It was quiet in the treatment room. So calm that I can hear my unsympathetic breathing. Quinn lies to one side. Her gaze to the wall.

She's only 18. She's 18 and has to carry something with her. Of course, you can say it's her fault. She should have been more careful, but isn't it enough just to see how much she grieves?

It could happen to anyone, including the people who always say birth control is the first thing on their minds. You're on contraceptives, she can't explain to herself how it could happen.

You can say a lot, but not that Quinn is a bad person. I understand her reason for not getting the child.

"Hey." I put my cold hand on her arm. She winced slightly. "It's gone." she cried. Her hand pressed against her forehead. Her face was covered with tears. She knows she couldn't keep it, if she could, she would.

"You know I'm here, Quinn, I'll always be there." I laid my head on her arm and cried. "No matter what time you need me, I won't leave your side." her hand rested on my head.

"I know." Together we cried. Because we knew this was going to be a moment we'll never forget.


I came home exhausted. I didn't answer anyone as I swept into my room and closed the door. I can't do this anymore. Everything is on my mind, like a fucking curse. Tears run down my cheek onto my knees.

I brushed away the tear from under my eye, but a new one came down. "Aurora." I looked up to see Ares closing my window.

I quickly stand up and wipe my tears away. "Hey." He wanted to come closer to me, but I blocked and took a step backward.

"What do you want here?" "I wanted to check on you, you weren't at school today and..." "I just didn't want to, can you go now?" I said coldly.

"You're crying why?" "It's none of your business, dammit." it bothers me. It's been like this for days. Ares here, Ares there. He texts me, comes to me, and now he's breaking in too. He's got Scarlett, what else does he want? They get along so well.

"Tell me what happened." His hand cupped my cheek, which I didn't want to put down, but I did.

"Why don't you leave me alone? You have Scarlett with whom you get along really well, you don't care what I'm doing, how I'm doing, or why I'm crying." I yelled at him lightly, which Ares didn't like, his eyes darkened.

"Don't you understand? I'm worried. What's the matter with you?" I ran my fingers through my hair angrily. "Nothing! Nothing at all. Do you think just because something happened between us that you're my boyfriend now? No. Don't worry about me, and we're not friends, we're not. You and I will never be something. Not even in my dreams. That you even though it might happen again or something might happen. You're a whore who goes from one bed to another. I want something for life." my breathing is getting heavy, my throat is constricting, so I can only breathe.

"You really think you can play smart? You act like you have no flaws, not a single one like you were perfectly created by God. You were the one who kissed me, not me. You were the one who undressed. I just participated. You pretend to be innocent, but you're exactly what I thought, an arrogant hunk who only thinks of herself, you don't even care what I might think when you say it. The only thing flying around in your head is yourself and your fucking problems. You are a nothing, a dumb girl, which makes life difficult. That I wanted to help you with something at all. But you know what, Aurora? Fuck you. Then crying yourself out till you have to puke. I don't give a shit."

Ares opened the window and climbed out. I was all alone in my room. The window is open, the lights are off, the tears are falling. I didn't mean to snap at him like that. I didn't even mean to insult Ares like that, sure it annoys me. But I did not want that.

He's right, I wasn't paying attention. And now? Now I totally screwed it up.

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