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ONE YEAR LATER AURORA Wednesday, 15th April~Somewhere only we know by Keane

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Wednesday, 15th April
~Somewhere only we know by Keane

With hardly any sleep, I woke up from my three-hour sleep to go over the things I need to study for today's exam. Maybe you can see that I'm really stressed. I already had the suspicion that studying medicine wasn't exactly close to high school, and I knew that, but I didn't think it would take so much life of me.

I sit at the desk for more than 12 hours until my bones hurt, and my head can't get any more knowledge into my head. I don't sleep much, but my body got used to it a little bit. "Here." I took my eyes off the laptop which is charted with human anatomy as I meet my roommates' eyes, who also placed a coffee on the desk for me. "I couldn't thank you more." Alina is an angel who was so kindly sent to earth as my roommate.

She knows that I don't make myself coffee because I'm often stressed, which is why I get one from her, and that's how it became our tradition. I'm the one who makes sure the laundry is always fresh. Both of us think it's a good compromise as long as we're both okay with it.

Alina didn't leave my side and sat down on her bed, which was a bit away from me. "After you write this exam, you can finally take some time off." She drank from her cup, which I did as I take a 5-minute break.

"Not really. I still have to prepare for this endless presentation. This guy, Matthew, just won't text me back, I need his part of the presentation." This topic has been bothering me for weeks. I have to run after everyone I'm supposed to prepare a presentation with. I don't know how I always end up with these people, but it just happens. I think positively of them because they're one of the best students in class, and then I'm getting this kind of.

"But at least take a day off for today." I nodded as I drank the coffee. "Maybe, but if Matthew doesn't send me the part today, I have to make it myself, which means staying up at night again." just the thought that I'll probably stay up until 4:00 a.m. again that night makes me throw up. I just want to sleep in for once in my life, but the professors think we aren't humans.

Alina gets up from the bed and drinks her cup empty, putting it on the table. "Okay, I gotta go then, and good luck on the exam." I took another sip as I turned back toward my laptop.

I went through the material for the next 20 minutes and finished my coffee in the meantime, I finally closed the laptop and put it in my backpack because the exam is about to start, and I can't be late. I picked up my papers, put my hair in a ponytail, and slung the backpack over my shoulder when I eventually left the dorm.

As I walk to class, I look if there were a message on my phone. It was Ares who is surprisingly still awake at this time, which is just after midnight in Australia.

How's my beautiful girl?

Not good at all
And I'm sorry that I'm like this now, but I absolutely can't right now.
Use your time and enjoy your sleep
I will text you later

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