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ARESMonday, 30th May

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Monday, 30th May

I was working out while Aurora was sitting on my couch watching. She held her cup in her hand. I got up and stretched a bit. "How do I look?" "Could be better." She broke the eye contact from my body. I smiles.

I grabbed my towel, dried my forehead, and grabbed the dumbbells. "By the way smartass, you have something her, I think you drooling." She wipe over her mouth with her hand and looked away from me.

I brought the dumbbells into my room when I came out again. "I'm going to take a shower." I kissed her hair and went to the bathroom with the towel on my shoulder.

I undressed and climbed in immediately. The water was nice and cold. So comfortable on the skin. I closed my eyes and let it flow down my face.

I don't believe what has actually happened in the last few days. Aurora and I, what I thought would never happen. I mean, this girl is just sitting on my couch in my shirt while I take a shower, it's like we're together. A couple.

It's been like this for weeks. We hang out in my apartment or in her room. We talk even though we've already talked about everything. We kiss like it's our first time. We have sex and it's so good, I can't believe I haven't dated Aurora before.

I don't mean that wrong, it even surprises me that I'm like this. I don't even want it to stop. This closeness of her. Her smell, her presence, she's a drug.

I looked at my wrist, where I got the hair tie from her. Every day since the day Aurora came to me because of the storm. She forgot it and I make it on my wrist. It may be weird, but I never take it off.

That's just one thing I would never take off. I looked away and finally washed myself as I exited and dried myself lightly, then came out with a towel wrapped around my waist.

"Smartass, give me that shirt over there." She looked at me. I knew she was doing it. She looked at me from top to bottom. Everything she saw. The light drops on my chest, the wet hair falling down.

I know she likes my body as much as I love hers. I like to excite her like that. "Get it yourself. I've got work to do." She rolled her eyes. I grinned slightly. She lay on my couch so you can easily see her ass, which turns me on again. This woman is perfect.

I went to the chair and grabbed my shirt. "I have to go to band rehearsal today, do you want to come with me?" But she shook her head. "I'll go home. I have to go to work." she closed her book.

She got up and then walked past me, going with her fingers through my stomach, which gives me goosebumps. "You don't have to show me your chest to provoke me. We both know you're the clingy one." She grinned and grabbed her pants, then disappeared into the bathroom.

Fuck. That was hot. I put my shirt on and walked into the room to get fully dressed.


"I would make a beat like that." Zeth played on his bass and showed us exactly what he meant. I nodded and played to complement the guitar and bass, then Mason joined in, and we sounded perfect. I stopped playing after playing the last chords.

"We'd need someone to judge," says Mason, taking a sip of water. "Invite Aurora again," suggested Zeth. I tuned my guitar. "Then Ares can't focus." Mason put the water away again. "Not true. I'm very focused when she's there."

"Yeah, on her." Mason contradicted me. I just rolled my eyes. "That's a lie, Aurora and I just get closer." I shrugged and played a chord.

"You really have a crush," ​​Zeth stated. I didn't say anything because it's probably true. I like Aurora very much. I've never felt so comfortable with a girl as I do with her. When I'm with her, I think I do so really float without joking.

I only get butterflies in my stomach when she touches and cuddles with me while watching a film. It's like I'll never be happier without her in my life. "So yes. When are you going to ask her if you want to be her boyfriend?" This time I shrugged.

"I don't want to overrun her. Of course, I'm ready for it. I even wanted to ask her, but stopped myself because I was afraid that she would say no." "Bro, she would never say no, she really likes you." I looked at Mason.

"And what if she's not ready?" "She's waiting." I looked at Zeth. "She's waiting?" "Yeah, I shouldn't have told you. But she likes you a lot and just waits until you ask her." she wants to be with me? My heart is racing.

But how am I supposed to do that? My last girlfriend was Scarlett and I didn't even ask her, she asks me. I want it to be perfect but not too much, Aurora doesn't like a lot of attention.

"How am I supposed to do that?" "Bro, don't ask me, I'm out, ask him." Mason pointed with the stick at Zeth and then played the drums lightly. I looked at Zeth expectantly.

"Maybe do something romantic. Go home and cook something, buy roses or her favorite movie, a romantic..." "Her favorite movie is the Harry Potter series, so it's not romantic." I interrupted Zeth. How many times have I had to watch Harry Potter because she always wanted to watch it. Every time she cried at the death of this dude, Cedric.

"Her favorite song?" "Perfect from One direction, please tell me you have a better idea." "Hey, one direction is pretty good," Mason cut in.

I rolled my eyes, of course, he likes it. "Just because you like Zayn." "Have you seen him?" protested Mason. "Okay, what else?"

"Cook her favorite food." Green pesto with pasta. But she doesn't like any loops or spaghetti. The pesto with spinach has little Parmesan, but a lot on it when it's ready. Okay. "Anything else?" "She likes to read, buy her a book? Give her something." "She already has so much. Did you know that there are books where sex is described? Well, I mean really described. She has tons of them."

Maybe that's why she's so good? "Girls like that. I've heard. That one book with a dude named anthony. She told me about that," Mason told me. "She told me about some malekai," added Zeth.

Man, now I have to be jealous of words on paper?

"So Harry Potter, pasta, mini calla and nerds, and a present. A bookmarker so she knows where she is, I'll just make an origami fold, what else?" I thought about it. I want to give her something else that also belongs to me. As a sign. Fuck, I'm awesome.

"I'll get her a necklace with this." I rummaged in my pocket to get out the guitar chip. It was one of my first ones and this one's pretty nice, it's dark blue with red streaks in it like marble. The first letter of my name is on the back in black.

"Is that okay as a necklace?" Zeth took it and looked at it closely. "Yeah, might work." he gave it back. "Okay, then I'll be on my way because this thing is going to take a long time."

"She would say yes even if you gave her a KFC bag to eat." "But that has to be perfect. I'm supposed to be the best and last, right?" Zeth rolls his eyes. "Self-loving asshole." I winked at him. I grabbed my guitar and headed home to do my stuff.

Should I invite her? I mean, she won't be able to see what I'm doing on my laptop right now, and her presence would be awesome right now.

But rather not. Aurora is too curious she would see me watching a video on how to make a necklace or fold an origami, in the end, she also sees me ordering her favorite flowers, no, thanks I won't take the risk.

I parked my car and went up to my apartment. I put my guitar away and immediately got my laptop to quickly do the things I'm supposed to do. Flowers, music, food, and presents. What I don't do for this girl.

If I don't get a better gift for it, then I don't know what. I was just checking the flowers when there was a knock on the door. I dropped everything and got up to open the door.

As I did, I wished I'd slammed them shut. "What do you want here?"

"Ares, please help me." My mother knelt in front of me and begged for help.

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