𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑛 | 𝑇ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑖𝑠 𝑎 𝑏𝑖𝑔 𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑝𝑟𝑖𝑠𝑒

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I walked out of class with Quinn by my side, totally pissed off. "I don't want to go to this festival," I said in desperation.

"If it cheers you up, I'd be happy to come and watch you." I looked at her. "Or you want to film me to have videos against me." she smiled with a shrug.

We arrived outside and the sun is beginning to shine today. It's almost October, which means it's getting colder and colder. However, it means that I can finally only wear sweaters.

I love sweater weather. "Pretty heartbreaking that you just left me like that." I felt an arm over my shoulder. Quinn and I were now further away because someone came between us.

We both looked sideways at the center of us. Kirian had his arms around our shoulders. "Finally found you. Yes, I'm sorry, something came up, and then I forgot."

Playfully upset, Kirian groaned. "How can you forget about someone like me?" "You fool haven't changed at all." we both looked at Quinn.

"I can say that about you too, monkey." Quinn immediately looked at Kirian with an angry look. "Didn't I tell you to stop with this stupid nickname?"

He gazed at the sky and put on a thoughtful face. "Yeah, I remember that, but I didn't want to stop." She rolled her eyes.

"Should I drive you two?" Quinn took his arm away from her shoulder and stopped what we did after her. "No, I have to go in this direction, someone is already waiting for me."

"Okay. And you?" "If it's okay," I replied. "Of course. So monkey, see you tomorrow." Again she rolled her eyes, saying goodbye to me and Kirian and walking away from us.

Kirian and I strolled over to his car, which was a black BMW. He put his arm away from me and opened the car door for me. "Milady."

"Thank you." He smiled at me, closed the door as I got in. He got in from the driver's side, put the key in, turned on the car, and pulled out of the parking lot toward the street.

I looked out the car window and was totally surrounded by it. "Since you dumped me, how about we do something today?" I was out of my concentrating on the trees outside.

My eyes went to Kirian who was squinting the next gear and looking on the street. "Why not. What's on your mind?" "Let's go to the amusement arcade, which we went to when we were little."

"Sounds good." I saw how Kirian's mouth went open. "Where should I go now?" I showed him which way to go while we were waiting at the red light. He nodded to me and with music playing in the background, we continued talking all the way to my house.

"Thanks for driving." "I'll pick you up at 7 then," I reply with an okay and close the door to walk home.

I unlocked the door and walked in, "Mom, I'm back." "Hello, darling. I made dinner. Today, I make the pasta you like." I dropped my backpack by the counter and sat down, then grabbed a noodle with my index finger and thumb as my mom hit me on it with the wooden spoon.

"Wash your hands." Ouch! I cupped my hand in my hands and stroked it to ease the pain. "You never learn." laughing, Max shook his head, who was already eating his dinner. "Shut up, dwarf." I slapped his cap down, so he couldn't see.

I got up, quickly cleaned my hands, and sat back down in my previous seat, watching a plate in front of me with the steaming pasta that was still quite hot.

"And how was school today?" Max took the fork out of his mouth when I put mine in. "We got the math exam back today. Wait." he slipped off the chair and ran upstairs to his room to get the work.

"And what about you?" I shrugged and skewered the noodle. "I will join the sports festival." "That's great." Probably not, but I can't say that to my mother.

She'll bombard me with questions if I say it's unfair. She doesn't know that I skip sports sometimes. She would rip my head off.

My mother has always been so strict, I'm used to it and everything, but since there were only me and her, she became even stricter. But my father was the easy one.

He always gave me everything I wanted, even though my mother always told me not to stuff anything up my ass, or I'll be so aloof. He just laughed at her and said. "She could never be like that. Our daughter knows her worth. We raised her really well."

He was right. I can say a lot about myself but well I am educated. "And I'm going out with Kirian this year."

"When?" "7 p.m." she raised her eyebrows. Oh, no. "I'll be home before 10. I promise." "I hope so. Tomorrow is school," she replied.

I nodded when we heard Max. "Look." He put the paper on the kitchen island. With a red pen, almost all of it was chopping. "I raised a clever son." pinched my mother, Max's cheeks, and smiled at him through narrowed eyes.

"Mom, this hurts." "You have to survive it, like the hug." she quickly took max in her arms and hugged Max. "I'm so proud of you." I continued to eat. "And you too, Aurora." I looked up at her.

Long she hasn't said words like these to me. I know she thought so, but couldn't say something like that till this day. "Thanks, mom." I joined in for a hug, which felt amazing. It was how unique and beautiful it was.

"Mom, I have to study in the room now before Kirian comes." She nodded and stroked my hair out of my face again. "Then go."

I broke away from the group hug and picked up the backpack to do my homework and study a little, as I always do.


"Throw harder." Cheered Kirian who was standing next to me at the throwing cans. "Is it a secret training for the festival?" "You don't need to be trained, you need to be taught to throw." My mouth dropped open, and I smacked him lightly on the shoulder.

"You ass." "Good as a pro doe." he picked up three balls, took the momentum, and threw the first ball, which was a miss. "A pro yeah?" He took the second ball and now took more swings to be able to get better.

After the next two throws, Kirian really scored. We high-five each other. I glanced at the clock. We've been here for almost two hours, two more hours, and I have to go again. The time flew by so fast that I didn't even realize how fast it was. I don't think either of us has.

"Shall we go do something else?" "Sure and what?" "This is a big surprise." I nodded and got even more excited because I was wondering what else can be done at this time. Almost everything is closed.

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