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AURORATuesday, 04th January

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Tuesday, 04th January

Not long, and I'll be struggling through school alone in Boston for a whole week while Quinn, Zeth, and the others are enjoying the sun in Hawaii.

I didn't even tell my mother about the trip. I know how the conversation will end. "I'd love to give it to you, Aurora, but we don't have that much money. I'm sorry." That's how it always ends.

I don't care if I go, I'm already used to this situation, if only I had found this out four years ago that my mother cried at night because she felt guilty about not being able to offer me what I got when my father was alive.

But I don't think it's that bad, so I've been getting the letters for the last few days or weeks, and the letter came yesterday. The total sum: 1.585 dollars.

We don't even go shopping for that much money. I'm used to not getting what I want, you have to work for it and I can do that too, I could use my saved money to go on the trip, but my mother needs it more than I do.

I just walk to class since Quinn isn't here today. When Mr. Markus came toward me. "Aurora, can you please go to Mr. Logan, he's waiting for you in his office." I raised my eyebrow. Why does the director want to talk to me? Did I do something?

No, I haven't. I haven't done anything bad. "Why?" "Unfortunately, I don't know." I just nodded and went on my way to the office.

I knocked on the secretariat and walked in. "Hello Aurora, Mr. Logan has time for you in a moment, please sit down." I nodded.

Meanwhile, sitting on the uncomfortable chair in the secretary's office, my leg bounces up and down. I'm panicking and scared, thinking about what I might have done wrong. Am I going to be suspended? Expelled from school?

Omg, what if something like this happens? I can't afford it. "Aurora?" I looked scared at Mr. Logan, who stretched his head out of the door. I grabbed my backpack and walked to the office.

"Please close the door behind you." I nodded, turned to the door, and closed it. I walk to the chair and sat down in front of Mr. Logan.

He laced his fingers together and placed them on the table, looking deep into my eyes.

My leg couldn't stay still, my hands digging into the end of my thick sweater. "So, before I start..." "Mr. Logan, whatever it is, I'm sorry. It wasn't me. I didn't do anything. You know I'm a good student, and I'm trying my best..."

"Aurora breathes, you're not in trouble unless you're really up to something." I immediately shook my head, the journey that is ahead is coming. "Then there is nothing to be afraid of. So why I called you here was because I wanted to let you know that you're going on the trip."

My right eyebrow immediately rose. How? I didn't pay anything, my mother doesn't even know about it. How can I come with them, and who paid for it then?

"Can I find out who it was, I want to thank them sincerely?" or rip off that person's head. I don't want someone to pay me anything. If I wanted to, I would, I don't need anyone for that.

Now I also have to pay some money back. I expressly told the others that I didn't want to go and nobody should pay for it. "Unfortunately, I have to disappoint you, the payment was anonymous."


"Is there maybe a chance that the person will get the money back, and I won't go instead?"

"Well, the money can be paid back, but we need the bank account number to which it should be sent and since it was paid anonymously, unfortunately, we can't. But Hawaii is a great travel destination, isn't it?"

Yes, it would still be nice without the thought that I am now in debt to a person I probably don't know. "Yeah great." I lied.

"So okay. Then that's it." Mr. Logan smiled at me and got up. I took my backpack and did the same.

When he got a letter from his desk and handed it to me, I nodded my thanks, wished him a nice day, and walked out of the office.

I also said goodbye to the secretary and left the secretariat to stand in the empty hallway.

I read the letter on the way to class, but as Mr. Logan said, one person sent it anonymously. Who pays that much money for one person? I mean yeah it could be anyone, but I'd guess it's someone from school, who else would it be?

But why should you do that? If you're a student you have to pay twice, who wants that? For yourself and me, even though I didn't need it at all. That annoys me even more.

This person pays for two people, even though it's so much money, with that money, my family and I could have food for weeks.

I walked into the classroom after knocking on the door and sat down. Desperate, I went through my loose hair slightly and took out my things.

"Everything alright?" Zeth whispered to me. I handed him the letter, which he read through.

"I hope it wasn't you or Mason knows something about it because then I'll totally freak out." He handed the letter back to me and shook his head.

"It wasn't me, and I have no idea who it was either." He came out very innocently and tenderly. I want to believe Zeth, but since the bet, my trust in him still isn't built up like it was at first.

But in that case, I have to believe him, right?

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