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AURORA Tuesday, 27th September

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Tuesday, 27th September

In two days is the weekend, which means I can relax again. We have already written the first exam, which makes it easier for me to study and my list of unfinished exams gets smaller.

I just walk to the last period of this day. By my side, Zeth. "And they all cheered and applauded," Zeth told me about his concert in a bar.

"That's great. Next time, you have to invite me." He nods to me immediately. "What's up, nerd, aurora." we looked to the side and Mason stood tall next to me. I was standing between the twins now.

"Stop calling me that. Idiot." Zeth hissed at Mason. "I heard you went to a bar for a gig." Mason nodded.

"It was okay, but it could have been better." He chewed on his gum, which smelled like Bubblegum. I notice that Mason opens up more, and he behaves completely differently than the weeks before.

"But the girls were insane." "Why, I'm not surprised you guys had girls too." I rolled my eyes. "Stop, I didn't have any of them," interjected Zeth. "But you talked to her." "Yeah, but not making out like you and Ares, although he only did it briefly and ran in." Mason slapped Zeth on the back of the head.

"Jerk." "Idiot." I laughed. "I can tell you that a kiss fell between them." Mason came to my ear and whispered it in. "Do you guys enjoy having a different one every day? Except for him. We both know he doesn't have one girl in a mouth." I show it to Zeth with my thumbs. My question was more about Mason and Ares, who is not here.

"I don't need a relationship." Mason shrugged. "What if the one you kiss is actually your future wife?"

"No chance. Princess." Mason nudges me lightly on the forehead. Princess? "Why do you call her Princess?" Mason looked at Zeth. I could ask that as well. I'm not averse to having nicknames, but a nickname like this, and even from a person who's actually so introverted.

"Aurora is a princess from Disney, so why not, or should I call you something else? Wait. Bird." Bird seriously? "Really?" "I'll see you at rehearsal then." Zeth nodded to Mason, who walked down the next hallway.

"I hate this guy." "I think I'm getting used to Mason." he looks at me dumbfounded. "Please spare me with this."

"So you and a girl, I wouldn't have believed that, softy Zeth." I nudge him lightly on the shoulder. "It wasn't that big. She kissed me, but I didn't want to. She took it coolly, though." I slapped him on the shoulder, he finally has a girl, and then he has to push her away.

"But speaking of boys and girls, how about you?" I gave him a look. "Me? I don't have anyone." "And Kirian." Not this shit again.

"Kirian is just a good friend from the past. He came back from Russia when he moved away a few years ago." He gave me an understanding nod. "But there is nothing, I mean, between you two." I shook my head.

"He is just a good friend to me, like you." He smiled. "Shall we go?" I nodded, so we walked into the last period.

I walked to the bus stop with Zeth because I'd had to take the bus lately. Dylan left earlier, he gets a free period, Quinn wasn't at school today, and I haven't heard from or seen Kirian.

Zeth and I walked in two different ways as he had to go to his car, as I was about to walk in one direction I felt my back being brutally pressed against a wall in a dark room.

I was drawn in by someone in a room I don't know. I was scared. The heat rose to my cheeks.

When the light went on and I saw Ares. We were in the equipment room, which was fully equipped with sports balls. "Ares, you're hurting me." I narrowed my eyes from the pain that Ares gave me from the pressure on my back and shoulders.

He let me go. "God, what is wrong with you?" I grabbed my shoulder. "You went to an illegal car race yesterday, right?" "Huh? What?" I don't understand what he means and this whole thing. Where are we? At the police station?

"You went to an illegal car race." "No, I wasn't." I shook my head. "Aurora, don't pretend I didn't see you like you didn't go to a bar with Kirian afterward. You were there." was that an illegal car race? Kirian said it was a fun car race and that everything was legal, although I couldn't be so stupid as to believe it.

"Are you watching me?" "No! God, I just what you to be honest."

"Why should I?"


"Why should I be honest when you don't give me a reason to trust you. You manipulate girls who also fall for you, you use them like they are nothing, how am I supposed to trust you as a girl then."

„Kirian is not the one you should trust." I breathe hard out. God is this complicated.

"I don't know what got into you and or what makes you say that to watch me or even pull me in, but my life has nothing to do with yours. Keep yourself out of it" I hope that's the end of the topic now. Ares has no position in my life as an enemy and rival.

I am not accountable to him for Kirian or anyone else. Even if Kirian and I already had sex or were a couple, I would never tell him because it's none of his business, and shouldn't take the right to call me a naive little girl just because I go to someone after Ben.

I haven't been in love with anyone for a long time and trust was my top priority, which made it even more difficult to let someone into your heart.

Without saying anything, I walk out.

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