𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑟𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑛 | 𝑅𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑒 𝑖𝑠 𝑠𝑤𝑒𝑒𝑡, 𝑏𝑖𝑡𝑐ℎ

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I'm underwater. I paddled my feet to swim up, the water wasn't deep, but I wasn't that tall either.

As I tried to get up, my clothes were soaked with water and heavy. I was hauled up, I was almost on the surface myself, the person just forestalled me.

He held me very close. My hands wrapped around his neck, I couldn't see anything because my hair was stuck to my face.

I could breathe again. I brushed my hair back with my hand and looked to the side, where the person was, which holding me right now.

I should have been swimming faster. 'Cause the person holding me was none other than Ares. "Are you okay?" "Why you care?" I wrapped my leg off his arm and lowered myself into the water, swimming to the edge.

"Quinn help me." Quinn looked down at me and held out her hand. She pulled me up, where I was finally out of the cold water. I took my hoodie end in both hands and squeezed the water out.

My eyes went from the water falling to the floor and making dripping noises to the people gathered around the pool.


One face caught my eye. Ashley, having her hand over her mouth, laughing with her two other friends. "You did that." My voice rose as everyone looked at Ashley, who stopped laughing.

"What do you mean?" Ashley feigned innocence. She acts like we don't even know each other.

"Aurora everything okay?" Zeth took off his jacket and handed it to me, where I nodded my thanks. "You dumb fucking bitch. What's on your mind?" "What are you saying? I didn't do anything." She shrugged.

I laughed with irony and really at the stupidity she shows. It really upsets me when people act like I'm a stupid person. I don't let myself be fooled, on the contrary, by someone like her.

I heard water noise where I looked to the side I saw Ares got out of the water. His gaze stayed on me and then on Ashley, "What the hell, Ashley?" He went to her.

"What do you mean Ares? She accidentally slipped, I can't help if she's clumsy." "You're Insane. You did it, stop pretending you're innocent, and like I'm stupid!"

Ares looked at me. "You have..." but before he could say anything to her or me, I stopped him. "It's none of your business, stay out of it. I don't need any help." Except to the point that I was able to snorkel in my clothes because of him.

I was about to get closer to Ashley when an acquaintance called out to me. "Aurora everything okay?" Dylan came to us at the pool.

You could tell Ashley didn't like it at all, that little streak she always got when she was angrily babbled on. "Wow, it's all about Aurora again." Ashley clapped her hands.

"Just like in the past, you wrap all boys around your finger, so they lie up to your feet and do poor things."

"Ashley, shut your damn mouth." I hissed at her, shaking. "Anything else? Are you going to beat me up in front of everyone, I know exactly how you really are, Aurora, don't pretend to everyone." I balled my hands into fists.

I went closer to her. Your wish should be fulfilled. Doesn't matter who's watching. I will do what she wants. She humiliated me, my father, and all she gets for it is forgiveness and no kind of revenge.

"Don't get involved in something like that." One hand held my wrist very tightly so that the wet clothes stuck to my skin. I looked at Ares who owned the hand, which hold me.

"Didn't I tell you to stay out of it?" "You're going crazy right now. It's not worth it. Stop being so stubborn and ridiculous." I tore myself out of his grip.

"I'm not going to drag myself down to your level, which is pretty far down, don't you think?" I said to Ashely. My grip encircled Zeth's jacket as I then without saying anything walked past Ashley and the other people standing around us.

"She's smart, you know. That's not her level to beat, it's mine." I heard screams, I turned to see Quinn pushing Ashley into the pool.

"Revenge is sweet, bitch." Quinn leaned down to the pool in front of Ashley, whose makeup was totally smudged by the chorus water.

"You're crazy." Ashley yelled at Quinn, which just laughed in her face and show her the middle finger. "Just come one step closer to her." warn Quinn, the girl who swam in the pool and got everyone's looks.

Quinn looked at me and smiled happily as she put her arm over me. "Whoever messes with you has me as an enemy." She held up her little finger, which I chopped in with mine.

"Whoever messes with you has me as an enemy." I recovered her sentence that we used to say together when we were little. I smiled broadly at her as we made our way to Zeth's car, who also drove us back.

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