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ARESSunday, 20th March~Leaving tonight by the neighbourhood

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Sunday, 20th March
~Leaving tonight by the neighbourhood

"Touch me." Scarlett groaned. We started making out on my couch and well it didn't take until my head was between her legs.

I add one more finger while sucking on her clitoris. Her hands fall in my hair, and we moan louder and louder. Then she comes.

I looked at her with a grin. "You're amazing." She pulled me up for a kiss, where I could still taste her. "Practice pays off." I kissed her, but then it didn't take long until I broke the kiss.

"Mason and Zeth are coming soon. You should get dressed." "Can't you cancel it today? I can't let you go away with my thanks for the gift." she strokes my chest and moves to my lap with a quick movement.

"If I could, I would, unfortunately, we have to rehearse to play well because without a good performance there is no money." She rolled her eyes and kissed me before getting up.

But I stayed seated and watched her get dressed, namely her dress, which I threw on the floor. "Unfortunately, I can't go to the next gig, I'm going to do something with Zoe." it's not a problem for me that she doesn't come.

It's something different from the last few weeks she was there. "It's fine." She put her slip on and looked at her phone because she got thousands while we were doing it.

"Looks like Link and Aurora are dating now." What? She pointed to the display where you can see Aurora and Link on a picture in his story. He kissed her on the cheek and she laughed.

He made a white heart behind her name. I think I'm throwing up. But what are they doing together? Aurora said they didn't have anything. She even said she broke up so why the hell is he kissing her on the cheek and better yet, why are they even together.

"They're really cute together, don't you think?" "Link is probably just playing with her." it came arrogantly, and I immediately got up to get something to drink. "Do you think? In the picture they look pretty happy, Aurora sometimes smiles too, I thought she was so arrogant and thinks she would be better than anyone."

My hand gripped the glass tighter. I hate the way Scarlett talks about Aurora. Even more, I can't just yell at her like that, because Scarlett would think I want something from Aurora. "Aurora isn't arrogant, she doesn't think she's any better either. She is a perfectionist who wants to make everything better. She doesn't just think about herself or be arrogant, she's kind and loving to her friends." I put the glass down.

Was that too flashy, and think Scarlett I prefer Aurora? "Okay. Then it's so. Well, I'll go and take care. It's going to be stormy outside today, don't forget to slow down while driving." She kissed me and walked out the door.

It's going to rain today? Does Link know how Aurora is doing during a storm? How scared she is? Aurora has a big ego, I don't know if she would tell him that.

She has many fears. Fear of flying, storm. It's cute how she tries to be strong. Most of the time when she needs help, she acts like she's strong enough to do it, and I think she is.

Aurora is a very strong person. She does what she wants, she says what she wants. She's the girl that when she sees someone bully another person, she helps the victims and yells at the bullies how they can do that shit.

She would take the victim with her to the group. And all this although she is afraid of meeting new people. She has such a small trust because it was destroyed by people like me. But she would still do that.

I couldn't help but smile. Then there was a knock on the door and I left with the thought that it was Mason and Zeth. But they always come in with the key, so it surprises me even more.

I opened the door and my smile fell like I could never laugh again.

"What do you want here?" I said sourly and just contemptuously. "You didn't contact me, I wanted to see my son again." he still dares to call me his son? After he left me alone with mom for someone else?

"But I don't want to see you. So fuck off." I wanted to slam the door, but my father stopped me by putting his hand between them.

"Take your fucking hand away, or I'll break it." "Ares let me in to talk." I don't even think about it. Through him, everything is the negative opposite.

"Ares, please. I'm your father." He used to be. He was until the day he decided to walk away because of a bitch in Texas he preferred to Mom.

"Please." I hate that my childhood is catching up with me, I hate even more than the 14-year-old Ares in me wants to open the door, so he can come in. I hate that he sees him as a father and that he wants to hug him.

"You have five minutes." I opened the door slightly. I walk in, following my father. We made it to the living room, where I sat on the couch, and he was on the armchair.

After canceling Mason and Zeth, I looked out my third window, as I'm not staring at a wall, but at the street, which is already starting to get wet with raindrops.

"You have a nice apartment." "I know."

"Do you play guitar?" he pointed to my black guitar hanging on the wall. "Stop that shit and tell me what you want!"

"I want to know you again." I smile through the statement with a sarcastic and just plain outraged hiss. "You chose this bitch four years ago. What was her name? Iris?" "Isabel, and if it makes better. We broke up."

"So you're telling me that you left me and mom who got addicted to drugs because you chose Isabel, who then left you?" I get even angrier than I already was.

Does he really think I'll feel better if he tells me he's no longer with the woman he wanted more than his own son? Does he really think that?

"Mom got addicted again? Did she do something to you?" "You're not even interested in that. You're probably coming because you don't have a place to sleep."

"I'm here because you're important to me." "SHUT THE FUCK UP! YOU WERE NEVER FUCKING HERE. YOU LEFT ME! I WAS FUCKING 14!" I got up and yelled at him.

It makes me so angry he comes here thinking everything will be the same. I'm done with that. I left my childhood behind, and yet she still comes back.

"I lived with mom, I had to watch her get high every day. I was homeless and found this house. I did this all by myself without you! All alone without mom because I don't need you."

I went to him and grabbed his shirt. "You get the hell out of here now. I do not want to see you. No more. I haven't had a father since I was 14." I pulled him to the door and threw him out of the apartment.

He tried to talk, to tell me something, but I slammed the door. I marched madly to the kitchen and leaned against the table. It can not be. It can't fucking be. I banged my fists on it.

I tipped over the table, the vase with the flowers shattered, the bowl with the fruit fell on the floor, "Fuck. Fuck... f..fuck." My voice trembled. Why? Why can't I live normally?

I felt tears in my eyes. Four years. Four, and he'll come when I've finally accepted it. I heard lightning strike. The storm and the thunder are loud. A loud knock was heard at the door.

I wiped my tears and headed for the door. Wet and trembling, Aurora stood in front of me. "I had nowhere else to go."

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