Chapter 2

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⚠️ Smut warning


Her long nails were scratching my back so hard as I was thrusting in and out. Her moans were fueling me to keep going to my full potential. She would occasionally bite my neck here and there and I'm pretty sure she marked me. But she was even worse, purple and red marks on her neck, boobs even on her thighs. These thighs that drive me so crazy.

" Aahaahhhh yeah go faster Jeon....Ahhhh faster babe" she moaned loudly and I held her even closer thrusting increasing deeper and faster. She moaned loudly as she climaxed. I kept thrusting in for about a minute more then I also cummed. Pulling out as my juices spilled on her stomach, I laid my neck on the crook of her neck as we both tried to fix out breathing rate.

" That was amazing Jungkook. I love you babe" I smiled and kissed her deeply on her lips.

" Me too Baby, and you know? As much as I'd love to stay here in bed with you. I have to go to work.". She pouted and I smiled seeing that she's about to sulk.

" Ah jungkookie.... you're the boss, can't you go to work later? I wanna spend the morning with you"

" I want that more than you babe. But work is very hectic and I can't afford to slack. You know father would be very mad if I do that. You'll see me later okay?" ( She folded her arms and nodded. I kissed her cheek )

" Let's go take a shower then" Hwasa said. I smiled and followed her to the bathroom.

We had an innocent shower and non of us did anything naughty. After we were done with our hygiene routine, I put on my black suit and and brushed my hair. Covering My eyebrows with my bangs.

" Jungkook you need to get a hair cut now, your hair is getting longer. Soon I won't be able to see you eyes."

" But babe...I like my hair like this" I say shrugging.

" I don't...and i know Dad won't like it too. Jungkook I'm trying to hard to make dad accept you but he won't. You're getting tattoos on your arms. And dad sees them because you like wearing short sleeves. You have a piercing on your eyebrow. Dad doesn't like that too."

" Aish Hwasa... I'm not in the mood to fight about this today, honestly you dad should try getting a piercing or a tattoo. Maybe then he'll stop judging me. I honestly don't care about his opinion." I said grabbing my brief case and checking if all my documents are there.

"Jungkook he's my father!" She half shouted.

" And he never liked me, so why should I suck up to him? I respect your father because he's older but honestly...he can go fuck himself for all I care. I hope this is the last time we talk about my tattoos and piercings." I say kissing her cheek and opening the door to leave. She just stood there not even turning to look at me.

" Come on Hwasa...are you really angry at me now? Okay fine. I love your father. Even more than you. Happy now? " I said sarcastically and luckily she laughed. She then came towards me and hugged me tightly.

" I'm sorry, I'm just trying so hard so that my Dad can accept you...but you keep doing these things. But I'll try to convince my dad, because I love you so much."

" Thank you babe. I'll see you after work okay?"

She nodded and I kissed her briefly on the lips. I then left and got to my car. Luckily there was no traffic so the drive to the company wasn't that long. I parked at the parking space reserved for ONLY me and went in.

" Morning Mr Jeon" I just nodded walking past the receptionist. If I have messages, she knows that she'll bring them up to my office.

"Morning Sir" I nodded walking t the elevator. I honestly hate all these good mornings every morning. They keep on tearing a piece of my patience. I got in the elevator and pressed floor 30. Luckily there was no one when I arrived. Well who would be there anyway? The whole floor Is mine after all.

I got in my office and sat down on my chair.

" God I hate the office" I say rolling my eyes and taking my phone. I dialed a number and it was answered almost immediately.

" What's up Kook?" A voice asked on the other side.

" Mr Jung...when I report for work, I expect to find you already waiting in my office" I say trying to sound mad.

" Yah Jeon Jungkook. I'm your hyung and I don't care if you hired me. I'll come there and smack your ass.!" I laughed at him getting all mad.

" Aish sorry hyung. But I need you and Yoongi hyung here. We really have to talk about something."

" We'll be there in approximately 10 seconds".  He said dropping the call. I chuckled and counted in my head.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10. The door opened and Hobi hyung entered followed by Yoongi hyung.

" In exactly 10 seconds...your calculations were correct" I said smiling. They both got in and we did our signature handshake.

" Jungkook. I don't like working at that department. It's so busy I don't even have time to sleep for about an hour or two. You need to do something about that" Yoongi hyung said yawning. Gosh he looked like a cat.

"yah suga, you came here to work. Not to sleep so it's either you suck it up or you lose your job." Hobi said smacking the back of Yoongis head. I just laughed at their childish behavior.

"So kooks. You wanted to talk to us?" Hobi said.

" Uhm not really Hobi hyung. I was just saying because I wanted to get you guys to come here."

"Yah kid...start talking" ( Suga Hyung said. I sighed and ruffled my perfectly combed hair with my hands)

" Hwasa" I said sighing heavily.

" I knew it...tell us what's happening now?" Yoongi said.

" Well...we were fighting again about my tattoos and piercings. She said it's her dad and yes I know that too. But I can just tell she also hates it but she's maybe scared to tell me. I can just see her judging my life decisions."

Yoongi sighed and brushed my shoulder. " I wouldn't even care if you and Hwasa broke up. Besides, relationships are a waist of time and money"

" Yoongi hyung... you're saying that because you're single. Hwasa loves me and she kept up with me even if I was doing shit to her. I cheated on her like twice and she still Stuck up with me. I don't wanna make her said now." I said looking at my hyungs hoping for advice.

Hobi sat on the opposite chair and faced me.

" Jungkook? Do you even love Hwasa? All I ever hear you say is..." Hwasa loves me" "Hwasa stuck up with me"... you've never said you love Hwasa. Do you love her?"

" Of course I do...I just, I don't know. Maybe I still haven't gotten used being tied down. I'm not one for commiting. You guys know that, even back in college I was a player. International playboy"

" Well you're bad boy...but honestly. I'm giving your relationship with Hwasa just a month, you two will break up any moment if you don't fix your shit. And once you break up, make sure you spend that money on us"

We laughed at Suga Hyung. Well If didn't know this guy, I'd say all he wants is my money. But well... I know that they've been my friends since highschool. They genuinely care about me. Not just my riches, because they're just as rich as I am.

"Well overall what your heart tells you to do, well support you together with Yoongi." Hobi said. I smiled looking at them.

"Thank you shoo, get y'all's asses back to work" I shooed them away earning myself slaps at the back of my head.

"Awww you guys are so violent" I said laughing and they both raised their middle fingers to me while they left my office. Leaving me laughing at them.

I started doing my work and honestly...I couldn't wait for lunchtime already, and possibility is...Hobi hyung will take us to that Candy Cafe again. Everytime at lunch he wants us to go buy cakes and milkshakes there. I'm not really a fan of sugar but that place sells some really sweet and addictive things. I can quit banana milk for those milkshakes and cakes.

Second update in one day...guys don't judge. It's my first jikook fanfic and it's only in the start so.

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