Chapter 55

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Jimin and Jungkook had landed. They took a cab to a hotel that they were gonna be staying in for the weekend. Jungkook had booked a couple's suit which was beautiful and cozy. They were going to share the king sized bed. Their bathroom was big enough for two people and had two showers and a toilet there. It was very beautiful and Jimin was more taken by it.

"Wow Jungkook this is so beautiful. You really planned this didn't you?" Jimin said smiling and hugging Jungkook.

"Yeah, last year we didn't celebrate your birthday baby and I felt really bad. I have to show that I appreciate you, not just by my words but by my actions as well. You carried a baby for fucking nine months Jimin. You're the most special person I've ever met." Jungkook said to his boyfriend who was smiling widely with tears peeking in his eyes. Mostly because of the happiness but because of Jungkook's words too.

"Thank you babe. I already feel special just by having you in my life." Jimin said.

"Oh aren't you just the cutest thing ever? Come on let's take a little rest. I'm so jet lagged" Jungkook said plopping down on the bed. Jimin just stood there.

"Don't you wanna take a rest?" Jungkook asked.

"I wanna check out the place." Jimin said with a happy smile. Jungkook groaned and rolled on the bed like a kid.

"Jimin I'm tired can you just lay down for a bit?" Jungkook asked rubbing his eyes.

"No you lay down. I'm going out to check the place out." Jimin said fixing his hair on the mirror.

"What? You're not going to go out there alone Jimin you don't even know this place." Jungkook argued.

"Oh please. I'm sure there are men who are kind enough to show me around. " Jimin said putting lip balm on his very sexy plump lips.

"Okay that's it then. I'm coming with you, are just going out there because you're in search of another man?" Jungkook asked standing up and fixing his hair also.

Jimin laughed, obviously he knew that would tick Jungkook the wrong way and he'd be pissed off. He then smiled and hugged his extremely handsome boyfriend.

"I'm not looking for another Boyfriend. You're just enough for me. I love you" Jimin said.

"I love you more Jimin-ssi" Jungkook said.

Jimin got up on his toes and kissed Jungkook deeply and passionately. Their kiss lasted for about a minute and when they pulled out they were both aroused.

"You know what? Maybe instead of going out we can just stay here together and try out this new bed. Plus your ass has been calling out to me since we left Seoul." Jungkook said wiggling his eyebrows.

"Nice try buddy but I wanna see Tokyo" Jimin said taking his phone and putting on his hat as he went out.

"Argh I hate you sometimes" Jungkook said feeling trustfated. He rolled his eyes and followed behind his Jimin with a smile on his face. He doesn't care where he is as long as Jimin will be there then that time is sure to be a fun time.

"Wait Jungkook, let's go buy that" Jimin said pulling Jungkook by the hand to a section of t-shirts.

"Baby we literally have so many clothes that we bought right now" Jungkook complained.

"Quit complaining you have a black Card for god's sake" Jimin said rolling his eyes as he looked through the t-shirts.

"Okay fine. Choose a white one for me" Jungkook said.

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