Chapter 40

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The guys were all stressed out pacing around Jin's lounge. Namjoon was sipping on a glass of whiskey. Jin was silently praying, Hobi and Tae were just trying to comfort each other while Yoongi stood by the wall. He had just filed for a missing person report but it didn't sound like the cops were willing to help. They kept saying Jimin is an old man and he can take care of himself. Yoongi was so pissed he started punching the wall repeatedly.


"What are the cops saying?" Tae asked wiping his tears with eyes showing hope of finding Jimin.

"Cops are just a waist of time. We're gonna have to find Jimin on our own. Guys I'm gonna need you all to be hands in on this, get anyone who you know could help us with our search. Jimin has been missing for 5 days now. For all we know he could be..." Yoongi was cut off before finishing his sentence.

"Don't say it Yoongi. Let's all pray that Jimin is okay. I know a few people who can help us out in our search though. A few friends of mine from the police department, they can find Jimin in less than a week." Namjoon said giving the guys some hope.

"Well we're off to a great start then" Yoongi said.

" we need to...tell Jungkook maybe? I think he should know" Jin said. Hobi rolled his eyes.

"Of course he knows. He's too stupid to believe and act on it though. He has a big ego and he won't admit his wrongs, I've known him since college. That's just who he is" Hobi said shaking his head in disappointment.

"I'm trusting Jungkook with Jimin again" Yoongi said.

"It doesn't matter what we want. If Jimin still wants Jungkook back then it's his call. We'll have to accept it." Jin said.

"Besides, Jimin is carrying Jungkook's baby" Tae finished off.

"Guess I'll be a father then, cause I'm definitely raising that baby as my own. I had a huge crush on Jimin and honestly it disappeared. I thought it disappeared. Till I realized how much Jungkook treated Jimin like trash. I'll do anything in my power now to protect him from Jungkook." Yoongi said. Everyone looked at him shocked. They didn't know about the little crush except Hobi, nor were they expecting Yoongi to say he'll raise Jimins's baby as his own.

"Now can we find Jimin?" Yoongi asked already taking his phone and heading out.

The guys looked at each other but no one said a thing. They then all took their phones calling anyone who could possibly help them.


" BamBam I really need you to help me. Just...track his phone then." Jungkook said on the phone talking to BamBam.

"I tried that. It seems like it's thrown somewhere in a deserted area. It's nowhere near Seoul. The red dot is not even moving. If Jimin is kidnapped than it could probably be bait to lead us to a wrong place. That's how kidnappers work. " BamBam explained.

"But Kai didn't do that" jungkook said

"Kai didn't kidnap Jimin, he was gonna get married to him. Speaking of Kai, he has a lot of connections. Maybe you can get a little help from him." BamBam said.

"I'm not that desperate" Jungkook said. He sat down on the couch and drank his beer.

"Jimin is carrying your baby, and you're not desperate? Jungkook you're my boss but you're fucking piece of shit. I know you killed Kai's father but he hated him. I'm sure he can put it aside just for Jimin, it seemed to me like he did like Jimin. I'm sure he'd love to help you find him" Bam Bam said. Jungkook sighed realizing that Bam Bam was right. He was just to proud to admit that he was wrong and he was tricked. Instead he put the life of his love in danger, Jimin could be anywhere. He could be hurt, he could have lost their baby.

Jungkook sighed. He didn't want to think of the worst so he figured he should get help from Kai. He hung up the call and searched for Kai's number. Upon finding it he then dialed it.

"If you're selling something I'm not interested" Kai said answering the unknown number.

"Kai, It's Jeon Jungkook. We need to talk." Kooks said.

"I don't want shit to do with you" Kai said on the other side.

"Jimin is missing and he might be in danger. I need help" Jungkook said wiping a tear which had fallen.

" WHAT!!!" Kai yelled and gasped in shock. Of course he thought Jimin was the safest with Jungkook so he didn't expect this kind of call.

"I'll meet you at your house" Kai said dropping the call. Obviously he'd drop everything when it came to Jimin. He was getting over him but that didn't mean he should let him be in danger like that.


"Jimin you're not even punching at all, you're just softly touching me. Your hand must be firm" Jackson said for the hundredth time now. He was teaching Jimin a few self defense tricks and it wasn't going as planned. Jimin couldn't punch the way Jackson wanted and Jimin was scared to hurt Jackson too.

"I did say I don't wanna hurt you. You don't even have anything to protect yourself with. It'll hurt." Jimin said.

"With hands that small? I doubt it will. Punch me as hard as you can, give it your all." Jackson said yet again.

" Fine then" Jimin said.

He rolled up his fist and punched Jackson on the stomach. He gave it his all according to him but seeing that Jackson didn't even groan or bend down made him see that his punches are lousy as fuck.

" Oh God Jimin. Let's try this again. Imagine I'm Hwasa then." Jackson said. Instead Jimin just laughed at him.

"I don't fight girls Jackson" Jimin said rolling his eyes.

"Damn you're so sassy. Okay then imagine that I'm Jeon Jungkook and I...." Jackson didn't finish his sentence as Jimin punched him so hard across his cheek. Jackson even Stumbled back almost falling.

" I'm sorry Jackson, I'm so sorry. I'm just really angry at Jungkook right now and I imagined that... nevermind I'm really sorry. Please don't be mad at me" Jimin rambled begging for Jackson's forgiveness.

" Yah Park Jimin. You punched me so hard but your apology is as short as you fingers. You should be down on one knee right now." Jackson scolded and Jimin laughed.

"Down on one knee? Wouldn't that be proposing?" Jimin asked laughing.

"You're really making the best of this kidnapping aren't you? You know when Hwasa comes here we pretend that we don't even talk as much." Jackson said.

"Well you're turning this kidnapping to be better than being bored and crying in my apartment. Now when I get out of here I'll be strong enough to stab Jungkook with a knife and have him sleep in hospital for a month." Jimin said smiling sheepishly.

" You're way too soft for that." Jackson argued.

"Wanna try me?" Jimin asked, he had a sluggish look and he was smiling like a lunatic. Jackson widened his eyes in shock. Now that Jimin was kinda scary.

"I guess you don't wanna try me." Jimin said. He got on the bed and laid there.

" My baby is sleepy so I'll see you tomorrow. Goodnight Jackson" Jimin said closing his eyes. He breathed heavily. He kinda enjoyed being with Jackson. He made the best out of the worst situation.

As Jimin still had his eyes closed like that he felt cold lips on his forehead. They stayed longer than they should so he opened his eyes. Jackson then stopped kissing Jimins forehead and smiled.

"Goodnight Jiminie" Jackson said. He smiled once more taking the empty container he had used to bring food for Jimin. He went out and locked the door smiling. He was getting fond of Jimin. AS A FRIEND which he'd like to always be there for and protect.

Another update
Borahae 💜

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