Chapter 29

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Jimins's POV

3 weeks later

I was eating breakfast in the kitchen and Jungkook was still in our room. He was even late for work. What about me you ask? Well I wasn't going to work today. I had a headache and fever so I didn't wanna go to work at all.

I heard footsteps coming downstairs and it was him. My handsome man, I smiled a bit knowing that he doesn't see my smile anyway. He gets a little cocky when I blush in his presence. I felt arms wrap around my waist as I was sitting on the barstool.

"Kookie you'll be late for work." I said smiling.

"But baby, you're sick and I don't wanna leave you alone. Maybe I can just take a day off or something" he said.

"You have a meeting with Mr Wang. Just go to work and attend the meeting then come back if that'll make you feel better" i said to him.

"Jimin you're sick. Honestly I don't feel good leaving you just like this. Maybe I should call Tae to watch you" Jungkook said. I smiled at the thought of seeing my friend.

" Yeah call him. I miss him anyway". I said to him.

He looked at me with curious eyes and shook his head. Gosh I know he's about to blurt out trash from his mouth.

"No I'm not calling Tae, I don't wanna come back here and finding you and Tae teaching each other how to ride dick. Because I know I'll kill both of you." He said.

"Jungkook are we ever gonna get over this. Tae was just teaching me so that I wouldn't look clueless to you. Now you're always talking about this like I cheated or something. Stop it before I cut your dick." I said warning him. He rolled his eyes with a sexy side smile.

"Then who's dick will you ride baby? Huh?" He asked.

"Tae's dick maybe? I don't know. I have started so I may as well just continue with it" I said rolling my eyes. He looked at me poking his tongue inside his cheek. I know he does that when he gets jealous. But right now he looks kinda mad than jealous. And why does he look so sexy when he's mad?...why am I even so horny?

"Park Jimin you better never say that again. I swear to God I might just forget how much I love you." He said.

"Just go to work. You shouldn't be late" I said. He nodded slowly as he placed a kiss on my forehead, then one on my nose, and both my cheeks. Them finally reaching my lips. He gave me a deep kiss, sucking on my bottom lip so hard I swear it got swollen same time. After a long ass deep kiss we then pulled away form each other.

"Drive safely Jagiya" I said to him and he smiled.

"Okay Baby I will. I'll call you during lunch to find out how you're doing. Don't forget to take the flu meds okay?" He asked and I nodded In small.

"That's my cute Mochi." He said kissing me all over my face making me giggle like a small child.

" Just go Kookie" I said still collecting myself.

"If the headache gets better, make sure I come back and be welcomed by your naked self on the couch. I wanna tap that ass." He said then winked.

"Jungkook we had sex yesterday. My ass still hurts from that." I said and he smiled.

"Sorry Baby, maybe I went a little hard on you. You enjoyed it though " he said teasing me. I giggled getting of the barstool. I definitely wasn't gonna justify that with an answer, he laughed seeing that I was leaving him alone in the kitchen.

"Aish Jiminie you're such a rude Mochi. I'll see you after work okay? I love you." He said to me.

"Okay bye Babe" I replied back to him.

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