Chapter 22

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Jimins's POV

I was woken up by a certain weight on top of me. And something poking me on my butt, my eyes fluttered open and I looked around kind of confused. This is not my room.

Oh yeah, I slept at Jungkook's house in his room, so what is that poking my ass? I juggled my ass a bit trying to see what it was. Hmmmm Oh Oh shit. That's his morning boner. Oh my god.

I tried to get away from him but he held my waist tighter mumbling some things I couldn't make up.

"Jungkook? Are you awake? " I asked to make sure.

"Sleep baby" he answered. My body froze and my brain didn't function for a few seconds. He called me "baby". My heart was doing backflips and twerking right now.

" I need to go make you something to eat, so that you'll take your medication for the pain" I said and it seemed like I got through to him.

"Okay then. Don't take too long in the kitchen" he kissed the back of my neck...oh my god why is he doing this to me? He's acting like my boyfriend and i love It so much.

"I'll miss you" Jungkook added again. I was a blushing mess by now, I giggled a bit.

"I'll just be in the kitchen Kookie...can I use your shower?" I asked him.

"Yeah sure, put on the black robe over there." He said.

"Thank you Kookie" i said taking the silky robe And heading to the bathroom. I took a shower quickly and put on the robe. It was big on me but I didn't mind. I then went down to the kitchen and started looking for something to cook.

"Okay where are pots and pans?...argh whatever I'll just make a sandwich." I say to my self taking some bread and cheese, ham, polony, and Vienna sausage.

I started to whip something being careful with the knife. As I was making something I felt hands snaking on my waist and lips kissing the back of my neck. It was Jungkook I knew that. I feel like I'm getting used to his skinships knowing that he isn't mine.

"Jungkook? What are you doing?" I asked giggling.

"I told you not to take too much time in the kitchen so now I missed you. What are making here?" He asked still hugging me from the back.

" Just a simple sandwich. I didn't know where the pots and pans were." I said still continuing with making food

" The sandwich still looks yummy though. Finish up I'm hungry" he said spanking my ass and going to sit on the barstool looking at me. I'm sure I was red from all the blushing I was doing. Why is Jungkook like this though?

I finished up making the sandwich and poured some Juice then I took it too him. He gave me a warm bunny smile and I returned it with my eye smile.

" Thank you Jimin-ssi. Aren't you eating?" He asked me and I shook my head. Honestly Kai made me feel insecure about my self and my eating. I never wanna eat Infront of anyone again.

" No I'm not really hungry for now" I said avoiding his gaze. He pulled my hand and made me stand between his legs while he was holding my waist.

" I don't care if you're hungry or not. You're gonna eat because I don't want you to lose these full cheeks" he said kissing both my cheeks. So he also thinks I'm fat.

"Wow, I really must be fat then" I said rolling my eyes and he glared at me.

"First of all don't roll your eyes at me, secondly I never called you fat. And thirdly I love your cheeks. They're so soft and squishy. Just like your ass" he said spanking me again and I giggled pushing myself off him.

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