Chapter 9

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Jungkook's POV

"I honestly don't understand why you are so mad about this Hwasa, it was a dare. Remember you were once dared to kiss my friend Yoongi and I never said anything about that. Why the fuck are you so mad?"  I asked Hwasa who has been nagging me about this since last night when we came back from Hobi Hyung's house.

" You kissed a guy on his neck without any hesitation Jungkook!!. How did you think I'd react to that" She retorted back with her hands on her hips.

" I had sex with you last night when I came back, you know I'm straight, it was just a Dare. And honestly if you ganna keep bugging me about this then we'll have a serious problem" I say in a warning tone glaring at her.
She looked down and mumbled something I could hear.

"Speak up" I demanded. I mean it was about time I started showing Hwasa who is the man in this relationship. She fiddled with her fingers looking away from me, Yeah I've never showed my dominant side to her when we argue. I only showed it in bed *wink wink*

" I said I'm sorry, I was just worried that maybe you will like him and..."

"Shut up Hwasa! Do you seriously think I'll throw away 4 years of our stable relationship because of someone I just recently met? That someone who is a Guy? Do you really not trust me that much?" I asked faking to be hurt, honestly I don't even trust myself. That Park Jimin is definitely something else.

" I trust you Jungkook, I'm sorry" I shook my head taking my briefcase.

"Yeah whatever, we'll talk about it after work" I say not sparing another glance at her. I walked out of the house going straight to my car. I drove to work getting stuck in traffic jams until I finally arrived at work.

Walking in it was just all the same, Never ending "good morning Mr Jeon"s. I got in the elevator and went to my floor. When I got the Hobi was already in busy with some papers.

" Mr Jung, Good Morning" I say professionally.

"Mr Jeon Sir, Good Morning" he said back and we looked at each other before bursting out in laughter.

" I could never be professional with you" Hobi said. I was about to answer when Yoongi hyung got in.

" Jungkook, finally you're here. That post of the receptionist is giving me so much trouble" Yoongi said.

"Receptionist post?" I asked kinda confused.

" Remember you had that cleavage girl fired? So we need someone else to fill up her space" Hobi continued.

" Oh the girl who was rude to Jimin?" I asked and they nodded. Hobi cleared his throat.

" Soooo....speaking of Jimin..." He was about to continue but I just raised my hand up.

"Don't even think about it Hobi hyung. It was just a Dare" I say trying to get my self out of the interrogation room.

" But you got hard just by kissing his neck?" Hobi asked

" Hobi hyung, He moaned. You heard how sexy that sound was" I said but immediately regretted it.

" Weren't you straight?" Yoongi asked amused.

" I am straight, stop with the questions and get someone to fill out the receptionist post" I say sitting on my chair.

" Well I already had someone in mind" Yoongi answered.

" Oh? Who is that?" I asked Yoongi hyung.

"Park Jimin" he said. I widened my eyes looking at him. how could he suggest Jimin after what happened, Hobi and Yoongi smiled at me but I just rolled my eyes covering my face with a heavy sigh.

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