Chapter 35

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It was now a week later from the YoonminKook saga and Jungkook had pretty much cooled down. He was spending time with Jimin more than at work and that was his way of making sure that Jimin doesn't do shit behind his back. Not that he doesn't trust Jimin but he just was being over protective and possessive.

" Jungkook No just stay back please. I wanna go alone." Jimin said to His Boyfriend

"No, what if guys drool over you? What if you get lost? What if your feet get tired and you can't walk further? Besides shopping alone is boring so I'm tagging along" Jungkook said.

Jimin was going shopping and Jungkook wanted to go too. But he had a meeting to attend so Chim was stopping him.

" Jungkook I'm not even five months pregnant yet. I'll be okay? Just go to the meeting, you need to work and provide for me and the baby. " Jimin explained.

"Fuck I hate it when you make sense, okay I'll see you when you come back okay. Don't come back late. And Don't forget that Jeon Jungkook loves you so much baby" Jungkook said smiling and kissing Jimin deeply.

"I love Jeon Jungkook too" Jimin said. They kissed again and this time Jungkook slid his tongue in Jimins mouth exploring his strawberry scented lips. They both pulled out slowly as just a string of saliva connected their lips.

"Don't go shopping anymore, Jeon needs some attention" Jungkook said. His bulge was now so big and visible and he was mad horny, all he wanted was a small quickie.

"Baby you'll be late for the meeting" Jimin said blushing.

" I have only 15 minutes to spare. Let's make it worthwhile" Jungkook said unbuttoning Jimins's jeans, he slid them off completely.

He gently placed Jimin on the couch on all fours. He spit saliva on his fingers then ran it on Jimins's entrance which was clenching and unclenching to nothing. Jungkook always found that hot and sexy, he smirked as he slid one of his long fingers inside Jimins's ass as he was prepping him for the big thing.

"Ahhhh Babe Just put it in already" Jimin moaned.

"No prep?" Jungkook asked with a smirk and he ran his huge dick on Jimin, occasionally slapping his ass with it. After the seconds of teasing Jungkook started to push his member inside Jimins's tight entrance. He always felt like he enters the gates of heaven during sex with Jimin.

"Ahhhhhhh yeah Jungkook" Jimin moaned loudly. If someone got inside they'd faint for real. Their door was not even locked.

"Damn baby you're so tight" Jungkook said as he thrusted slowly to get Jimin to adjust to the big guy. And he can't go fast because he doesn't wanna hurt Jimin since he's pregnant.

"Go faster Daddy, I need you" Jimin moaned desperately, well they have sex everyday because Jimin is always so horny and Jungkook has a lot of stamina too.

Jungkook started thrusting faster into Jimins ass as he was spanking it. Jimins's ass cheeks were red and even had handprints on them. All that was heard in the house was Jungkook's manly groans and Jimins's sinful moans. Doesn't help that Jimin moaned like a girl when he was having sex. His voice was so sexy he could make Jungkook cum with just the sound of his voice.

Jungkook banged Jimin like it was the last day they are having sex, after a while they both climaxed at the same time and Jungkook released inside Jimin then pulled his dick out slowly.

" Ahhh my ass hurts" Jimin hissed as he was standing up.

"You said I must go faster so you're to blame" Jungkook smiled as he said that.

"Yeah I meant go faster not wreck me. All those thousand spanks were not necessary." Jimin explained.

"Well you look sexy with my handprints on your ass cheek. And later when you come back I want more." Jungkook said smirking and Jimin rolled his eyes.

"Whatever, now I need to shower all over again." Jimin said., Jungkook carried him bridal style as he took him to the guest bathroom which was near by. They both showered innocently together and changed their clothes.

"So, still haven't changed your mind about going to the Mall? I mean I just fucken you and you sad your ass is hurting." Jungkook's asked. He really hoped Jimin would stay home.

"No I'm going Kookie, you are going to work too"

After a few minutes they both left, Jimin took a taxi to the mall while Jungkook took his car to work. He wanted to his Hobi and Yoongi too seeing that they were fine now. He apologized for thinking the worst when Hobi confirmed that Yoongi is crushing on his sister.


Jimin was walking around the shop buying some oversized clothes as he was going to get even more chubby in the next coming months. He walked around taking shorts and t-shirts and jeans then when he was going to the fitting room he bumped into someone making him nearly fall.

A strong pair of arms circled around his small curvy waist stopping him from hitting the ground with his back. He had his eyes tightly shut and when he realized that he was not falling he opened them

"Wow, you have such beautiful eyes" the stranger man said to Jimin making him smile a bit. He pulled him up and had him against his chest, to someone else you might think they were kissing because they were extremely close to one another. The man bending down to Jimins face was even more suspicious. He pushed the man back.

"Uhm...thank you for helping me and for the compliment" Jimin said shyly smiling.

"No problem doll face. Be careful now." The man said.

"Thank you I will...Bye" Jimin said waving cutely.

"Bye Jimin" the man said walking past him. Jimin stood on the same spot still shocked. After a while his mind registered something. He looked back but the man wasn't in sight anymore.

"Wait...did he just call me Jimin?" He asked himself

"How did he know my name?" Jimin wondered but just shrugged it off, he could have been hearing things.


Beep beep
Beep beep
Beep beep
Beep beep

That was Jungkook's phone notifying him off the messages he was receiving. Luckily the meeting was over and all the investors and client were dispersing. He took his phone and saw that it was a message from a number he didn't recognize.

It had a pictures that needed to be downloaded so he downloaded them and the moment the showed fully on his screen he felt his heart stop for a few seconds.

Jimin, half naked with another man. They were kissing. In a bedroom he didn't recognize.

His knees felt so week as he plopped down on the couch. Zooming in the pictures he saw that it was Jimin and he was naked with another man. Everything was clear to Jungkook but he still wasn't sure, he didn't just wanna believe these pictures.

A message followed right after the four pictures.

He's not so innocent now is he?

Jungkook read the message over and over again trying to make sense off it then lastly it clicked.

"Jimin is cheating on me?" He asked himself trying to dial this number but unfortunately it said it didn't exist

So Jimin was cheating on him after all,just not with Yoongi. And he's got all the proof right here.

Another update
Borahae 💜

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