Chapter 49

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A Month Later

Jimin was making breakfast in the kitchen, he was just in his shorts and Jungkook's oversized t-shirt. He looked so cute, he no longer had swollen feet like back when he was pregnant. He was just pretty angel like Jimin.
He felt hands snake around his waist and he smiled.

"Jungkook stop I'm trying to make breakfast here" Jimin said pushing Jungkook with his ass, Jungkook already had a boner so Jimin just made it worse.

"Baby I miss you, how long do we have to wait till we can have sex?" Jungkook asked, he's Been sexually frustrated so for a month because the doctor told them to wait for six months before having sex again.

"Kookie you heard what the doctor said. We have to wait for six months before we have sex" Jimin explained.

"But you're healed now. I won't go to hard on you please" Jungkook said sulking and kissing Jimins shoulder.

"Okay fine then, but not now I'm making breakfast. Can you please make Areum's bottle. He'll wake up any second now". Jimin said.

Jungkook as the listening Boyfriend did just that. He made the little guys bottle and then they had him cry in the baby monitor. Jungkook rushed upstairs to go and get their baby while Jimin set the table and sat down waiting for Jungkook. When he came back they all sat while Jungkook was carrying baby Areum.

" Morning my baby, did you sleep well? Huh? Oh you're so cute? Did you dream about any girls?" Jungkook said playing with the baby.

"Jungkook he's a month and two weeks old. And maybe he's gay like his parents so stop it." Jimin said.

"Well if he's gay then he better find a man who can get pregnant just like a did." Jungkook said.

" Is that seriously your biggest flex about me? That I can get pregnant? Not even that I'm pretty?" Jimin asked holding his chest like he's hurt.

" My biggest flex is that I'm dating you. I'm dating the one my heart desires." Jungkook said smiling fondly at his Baby Jimin while feeding his Baby Areum.

" Jungkook said smiling fondly at his Baby Jimin while feeding his Baby Areum

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(Just pretend you don't see those little teeth because this baby is cute)

" Jimin?" Jungkook called out.

"Hmm?" Jimin responded

"Thank you, for every thing. Every day I still feel like I haven't thanked you enough so thank you" Jungkook said

"Thank you too for giving me the most beautiful thing in my life" Jimin said smiling.

There was a knock on the door and Jungkook cursed. He knew it was probably someone else cause his stupid friends never knock.

" I'll go get the door"  Jimin said getting up. He walked to the door and opened it. His eyes looked up to the men on the door and he was confused. He then looked back at the kitchen and could see Jungkook with baby Areum. There are two men on the door step and both of them look like Jungkook.

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