Chapter 11

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Jimins's POV

I had just finished eating. I can't believe Mr Jeon actually ordered food for me. All the things I was craving. It's kinda hard to believe honestly because I was told that he's rude and heartless. Something which I've never really seen on him. I think he smiles a lot and he has a beautiful smile.

I was done fixing his shelf and damn it was a lot of work. But at least I did it perfectly.

"Mr Jeon I'm done with the shelf" I said wiping some swear with my handkerchief.

"Oh? Uh...thank you Jimin, and please don't be so formal just call me Jungkook." Jungkook said looking a bit red and flustered. What's up with him?

" You're my boss Mr Jeon. I should address you with respect" I said smiling and slightly bowing.

"I think we're way past the formality stage. Your neck has a fading hickey that I gave you. Call me Jungkook" he said looking at me while biting his bottom lip. Damn.

"Right...Jungkook. thanks for the lunch. I have to go back and be the cute face of the company" I said .

" That is very true, see you Minnie. Can I call you Minnie?" He asked unsure.

" Yeah...if you want to" I said smiling

"Of you go then Minnie, see you" I smiled and waved heading out of his door. I walked to the elevator and bumped into a male figure there.

 I walked to the elevator and bumped into a male figure there

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" Oh sorry Hi" I said feeling embarrassed.

" It's fine. You are...Jimin right?" The man asked.

"How do you know who I am?" I asked confused.

"Well I've heard rumors of an angel like receptionist. And you're angel like so I though they must be talking about you...I'm Eun-woo by the way. Cha Eun-woo."

"Nice to meet you Eun-woo. I'm Park Jimin." I smiled introducing myself. He smiled back.

"We should hang out sometime. If you don't mind?" He asked, I smiled my eye smile and he smiled back.

" I don't mind. We can hangout but for now I have to go back. to the reception" I said and nodded bowing down a bit. I also bowed and got in the elevator going back to ground floor. I got to my post and continued the work of the day. It wasn't busy with calls so I scrolled through my social media.

It was after work and I cleaned up my table and took my phone. I was about to leave when Eun-woo came and stood next to me.

"Leaving already Jimin?" He asked smiling warmly.

"Yeah. It's the best time of a workday" I answered.

"Can I give you a lift home maybe?" I smiled and was about to answer when Jungkook appeared out of nowhere. He looked kinda mad though. Mad Bunny.

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