Chapter 45

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Namjoon's POV.  (Yeah I know😁)

I was on the hed with Jin just after a steamy session of hard sex. Honestly if someone told me that I'd be dating my friend and be so serious with him, I would have told them to fuck off. But now looking at this handsome man laying on the bed with small sweat on his forehead. I'm so in love i could just shout it out.

"Joonie stop looking at me like that" Jin said covering his face with his long fingers.

"I love you baby" i said kissing his sweaty forehead.

"I love you more Joonie" he said blushing and I smiled looking at him. I was about to say something when an unrecognizable number called me.

I answered my phone in annoyance. Like duh I was in the middle of something.

"Namjoon Speaking" I said to the phone.

"I know hyung. How are you?" The person said. I kept quite thinking who could that be. It was Jungkook, that was most definitely his voice.

"If you're with Jin Hyung, don't call out my name." He quickly said before I called his name.

"Hey Yoh Man what's up? Been a long time" I said to him. Now I had to pretend I was talking to someone else.

" Yeah it's been long. I wanted to call the others but I thought maybe it would be better If I start with you. Are you doing okay? As well as the guys?" Jungkook asked

"Yeah I'm good. Everything is all good. Totally fine" I said to him.

"What about Jimin?" Jungkook then asked. I glanced at Jin who was looking at me.

"Ah good. More than good actually. Perfect" I said. I was really failing at this it would have been better if Jin wasn't in bed with me.

"Yeah? I've had someone tailing him just so I could see if he was okay. How the baby is growing. His tummy is really big now and Everytime I see him I just wanna go and hug him so tight." Jungkook said.

"Wait...wait whoa, does that mean you're....?" I asked but since I couldn't finish off Infront of Jin I stopped.

"Yeah I'm back. I came back three weeks ago. I just been laying low because I know how you guys are mad at me. I was honestly still gathering the courage to talk to you guys and Jimin as well. I've was gone for 4 months and I didn't even tell Jimin. I just have a feeling that I'll regret it"

Jungkook said with a slight chuckle. Boy am i so glad he's back. The boys weren't the same without him. We had all forgiven him and we missed him so much too.

"I'm glad that uhm...yeah I'm glad. Listen bro I'll call okay. Like maybe later today." I said to him.

"Alright go tap that ass daddy Joon" Jungkook said laughing. This little crackhead.

"I'm so gonna kick your ass when I see you" I said to him. We laughed then both said our goodbyes and hung up. Jin was still looking at me.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked him.

"Who are you talking to?" He asked raising his eyebrows.

"No one. Just...a friend." I said avoiding eye contact.

"Joonie who are you talking to? Tell me." He demanded.

"Seokjin don't start please." I said looking away from him

"See? You get defensive when you lie, and for some reason you always call me by my full name. So talk to me. Was it....Jeon Jungkook?" Jin asked him. I looked at him and shook my head but he gave me a look like he was not convinced at all.

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